Rtx 3080 vulcan oc. 0 interface, and requires 3 motherboard slots.
Rtx 3080 vulcan oc. Harga Colorful RTX 3080 10GB Vulcan OC.
Rtx 3080 vulcan oc htmlIn this video, we review the 3080ti Vulcan from Colorful, a very powerful GPU. Oct 22, 2020 · The Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 iGame Vulcan OC supercharges the RTX 3080 with a powerful 26-phase VRM setup that pulls power from three 8-pin PCIe inputs and gives the card significantly increased power limits over the NVIDIA Founders Edition card. GPU. 왜 3080이 비싼 가격에도 그렇게 잘 팔리고 구하기 어려운지 알 수 있는 항목이다. 21 17:03. . 提供详尽的七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan X OC(Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan X OC)参数 ,包括七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan X OC规格,性能,功能等信息。 VGA Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G-V thừa hưởng thiết kế màn hình đa chức năng có thể nhìn thấy được. Rp6. 0 được nâng cấp với kích thước màn hình 480mm x 120mm, một trong những màn hình lớn nhất được nhúng trên card đồ họa trên thị trường. Cores 8704. 25,900,000 Nov 17, 2020 · 可以看到,在按下了一键超频后,iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神的平均频率达到了1914MHz,比起一般的非公版RTX 3080显卡都要高不少,由此可见其一键超频的确对于频率是有不少帮助的。 功耗测试. TMUs 272. 27 TFLOPS maior de ponto flutuante ? 35. focuses on technology innovation and service. iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神可以说是出厂预超频的,因为有一键超频的按键。 中关村在线为您提供七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G显卡最新报价,同时包括七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G图片、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G参数、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G评测行情、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G论坛、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G点评和经销商价格 Feb 23, 2024 · Here we show you benchmarks and technical data for the Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan X OC 10G-V. Harga iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V. 000. Jul 23, 2021 · The design of the card is similar to the existing NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Founders Edition graphics cards. NVIDIA didn't go with the bulky BFG design like its RTX 3090 and kept the more standard 2 Duy nhất chỉ có ở mẫu Vulcan, COLORFUL iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan có tất cả những tính năng cao cấp bao gồm màn hình LCD đặc trưng. Oct 12, 2022 · The Colorful GeForce RTX 4090 Vulcan OC-V is the company's top dog for this generation. Memory Size 10 GB. Jun 2, 2021 · iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC. 7 inches, Triple-slot: Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan X OC. In the past 21 years since its establishment, it has successfully transformed from a computer component agent to a complete industrial chain enterprise with independent research and development independent production independent brand, and independent sales. 1 Nguồn yêu cầu: Giá niêm yết: 11. Dec 3, 2020 · At $879, the iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G demands a premium for the privilege of tacking that small screen onto your card. 0 display and its large 480 x 128 pixel display can be flipped up 90 degrees for vertically 七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC. 0插针上之后就可以自由上传图片、文字以及GIF动图,在屏幕上显示任何你想要看到的内容。 Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V ⭐ 评测。探索在显示卡排名中影响Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V表现的关键事实。 Tình trạng: Đã sử dụng - BH 6TSản phẩmVGA - Card màn hìnhHãng sản xuấtColorfulModeliGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G-VThông số cardTên mã GPU GA102Quy trình sản xuất 8nmLõi CUDA 8704Xung Cơ sở: 1440Mhz; Tăng tốc: 1710MhzXung OC: 1440Mhz; Tăng tốc: 1800MhzĐồng hồ bộ nhớ 19GbpsDung lượng bộ nhớ 10GBChiều rộng Bus bộ nhớ 320 b iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC最明显的识别标志,LCD侧显示屏也比前代有了大幅升级,分辨率提升到了480*128px,屏幕变得更加清晰,更重要的是,显示 'COLORFUL iGame 지포스 RTX 3080 Vulcan OC' 의 성능 정보이다. ROPs 96. 产品对比 Jun 2, 2021 · iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G平均帧数57. 32 GB/s memory bandwidth. 七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Vulcan OC LHR和影驰GeForce RTX 3080 金属大师 OC哪个好; 七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Vulcan OC LHR和华硕3060 TI哪个好; 七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Vulcan OC LHR和铭瑄 RTX 3060Ti哪个好; 七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Vulcan OC LHR和3080 Ti的区别 Harga VGA COLORFUL iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 12G LHR 12GB GDDR6X. Além Colorful iGame RTX 3070 Vulcan OC 1500 MHz: 1875 MHz: 1750 MHz: 323 mm/12. 1440 MHz: 1905 MHz VGA Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3060 Ultra White OC 12G L-V Dung lượng bộ nhớ: 12GB GDDR6 Core Clock: Băng thông: 192-bit Kết nối: 3 x DisplayPort, HDMI 2. 엔비디아의 암페어 아키텍쳐가 적용된 RTX 30 라인업에서 상위 포지션을 맡고 있는 GPU로 RTX30 시리즈 GPU가 적용된 컬러풀의 최상위 라인업에 속하는 Vulcan 라인업은 Nov 17, 2020 · 在这篇文章中,小编将对七彩虹 iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神显卡进行功耗测评。如果你对七彩虹 iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神显卡或者它的性能具有兴趣,不妨继续往下阅读哦。 中关村在线为您提供七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC 新春礼盒版显卡最新报价,同时包括七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC 新春礼盒版图片、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC 新春礼盒版参数、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC 新春礼盒版评测行情、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC 新春礼盒版 CAM KẾT GIÁ TỐT NHẤT, NẾU BẠN CÓ BÁO GIÁ TỐT HƠN VUI LÒNG LIÊN HỆ MAYTECHVN #### THÔNG SỐ KỸ THUẬT Chip Series GeForce® RTX 3080 Product Series iGame Series GPU Code Name GA102 Manufacturing Process 8nm CUDA Cores 8704 Core Clock Base:1440Mhz; Boost:1710Mhz One-Key OC Base:1440Mhz; Boost:1800Mhz Memory Speed Grade 19Gb Jan 20, 2021 · 그리고 COLORU iGAME Geforce RTX 3080 VULCAN OC 6DX은 최상위 모델 답게 소음 역시 상당히 조용한 편인데, 그래픽카드의 로드률이 100% 가까운 상황이 지속되어도 크게 거슬리는 소음은 없었습니다. COLORFUL iGAME 지포스 RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 12GB Nov 17, 2020 · 七彩虹 iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神显卡4K游戏性能测评详细如下: RTX 3080这个级别的显卡毫无疑问是为4K游戏体验而生的,其定位也是在3A大作中可以4K 60帧来游戏。因此小编就不测试iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神的1080P以及1440P游戏性能了,不然的话就大材小用了(笑)。 ,相关视频:又有一位bro的海景房碎了. 26。帧数上与iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G的表现差距不大,应该是显卡性能受限了。 Placa de Vídeo Colorful NVIDIA GeForce iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan, OC, LHR, 12GB, GDDR6X, DLSS, Ray Tracing. 650. O Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V apresenta o 10240 , 96 , tem um clock boost de 1. 0使用了iGame真空冰片技术稳压超强性能带来的温度变化。 “捕风手”全新研发定旋扇叶,智能控温静心生活之本。 Copyrights © 2018,Colorful Co. Harga COLORFUL IGAME RTX 3080 Ti VULCAN OC 12G-V GDDR6X GARANSI RESMI. Rp23. ZOL中关村在线七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR显卡参数提供最全的七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR参数、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR规格、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR性能、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR功能介绍,为您购买七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR Oct 29, 2020 · The Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC is relatively cool and quiet but with a higher power output and operating temperature at load compared to the other RTX 3080 card tested. Colorful Yugong Technology Co. 71。 iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC的FPS为58. Stick around and find Nov 6, 2020 · The new iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G-V has some great out of the box performance, but the new LCD 3. 7 inches, Triple-slot: Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC LHR. It’s built with enhanced RT Cores and Tensor Cores, new streaming multiprocessors, and super fast G6X memory for an amazing gaming experience. Oct 24, 2020 · Итак, обзор Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G-V. ,Ltd. В течение последнего десятилетия искушённая аудитория ожидаем не что иное, как самые лучшие карты кастомного дизайна от Colorful, и компания не разочаровывает своим премиальным Oct 22, 2020 · The Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC comes with a small fold-out LCD screen that displays vital statistics. It's the most expensive third-party overclocked model we've VGA Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G-V thừa hưởng thiết kế màn hình đa chức năng có thể nhìn thấy được. 多少钱. 1500 MHz: 1875 MHz 一线显卡品牌七彩虹旗下iGame家族最新硬件iGame GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER系列显卡已于京东、天猫、七彩虹官网商城、抖音、快手等电商平台及全国授权零售经销渠道开售。RTX 4080 SUPER凭借全系10240的CUDA核心数量与最快GDDR6X 16GB显存以及256Bit位宽,成功解锁性能猛兽的成就。 Nov 17, 2020 · 而作为一张次旗舰系列的显卡,iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神的定价也很符合其定位:6999元。对于那些想要获得比公版更强性能之余,又想显卡保持相对低温,又愿意等到RTX 30系显卡稳定供应的玩家来说,这张准旗舰显卡可以说是很适合的了。 Sep 16, 2022 · Ранее мы проводили тесты COLORFUL GeForce RTX 3080 LHR Advanced, сегодня рассмотрим прокаченный вариант исполнения - COLORFUL iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G с 26-фазной подсистемой питания, увеличенным лимитом мощности, а Nov 16, 2020 · 可以看到,在按下了一键超频后,iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神的平均频率达到了1914MHz,比起一般的非公版RTX 3080显卡都要高不少,由此可见其一键超频的确对于频率是有不少帮助的。 功耗测试. Rp28. The Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan X OC 10G-V has 68 execution units with 8704 shaders. Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G. Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V Graphics card based on the Ampere architecture and designed to handle the graphical demands of 4K gaming and 1440p at high frame rates, the Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V Graphics Card brings the power of real-time ray tracing and AI to your PC games. Nov 17, 2020 · iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 显卡还支持一键超频,只需要按下显卡接口旁边的按钮即可,同时新添加淡蓝色的启动指示灯。 此外,iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 显卡采用6根8毫米直径的热管设计和iGame真空冰片技术,加上顶部三个“捕风手”定旋扇叶风扇,支持智能启 而作为一张次旗舰系列的显卡,iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神的定价也很符合其定位:6999元。对于那些想要获得比公版更强性能之余,又想显卡保持相对低温,又愿意等到RTX 30系显卡稳定供应的玩家来说,这张准旗舰显卡可以说是很适合的了。 Mua Card màn hình Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC 12G-V chính hãng tại HACOM. 620. 000 đ -30% A:征战4K的性能猛兽它终于来了!一线显卡品牌七彩虹旗下iGame家族最新硬件iGame GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER系列显卡已于京东、天猫、七彩虹官网商城、抖音、快手等电商平台及全国授权零售经销渠道开售。 Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC 1365 MHz: 1710 MHz: 1188 MHz: 323 mm/12. 02 TFLOPS vs 21. Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V ⭐ review. 说回今天显卡的主题,iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC在外甲设计部分已经讲了很多,另外在显卡导流罩边缘部分也增加了科技感纹理,整体棱角分明,在光线经过产品表面时会有明显的明暗变化,科技感十足。 iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC Jan 21, 2021 · 오늘은 RTX 3080 제품들중 LCD 디스플레이를 탑재하고 90mm 트리플 팬이 적용된 iGAME 지포스 RTX 3080 Vulcan OC D6X 10GB을 살펴보겠습니다. 999. Memory Type GDDR6X. 5度,相比370W温度增加1. 2,最低帧数35. Placa de Vídeo Colorful, GeForce, iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G-V, Com Tela LCD, LHR, 10GB, GDDR6X, DLSS, Ray Tracing. GeForce 30 Series Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ultra OC 10G. Aquí se presentan todas las especificaciones técnicas, así como los resultados de rendimiento en forma de estimaciones de puntos de referencia modernos. Harga VGA Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan Jun 11, 2021 · 자세한 제품 사진 보러 가기RTX 3080 Ti를 탑재한 컬러풀 Vulcan 그래픽카드 NVIDIA… 和iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神外观上最大的不同,估计就是显卡顶部的这个NV-Link接口了 位于主板尾部的3个8pin供电口,很少显卡会这样配,这也告诉着你这是一张旗舰显卡,这3个8pin口可提供450W的电力,再加上PCI-E插槽可提供的75W,整卡可拿到不少于500W的电力。 Игровая видеокарта Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V GeForce ® RTX 3080 Ti OC 12 Гб GDDR6X Видеокарта 12Gb <PCI-E> GDDR6X Colorful <RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V> (RTL) HDMI+3xDP <GeForce RTX3080Ti> 12 Гб GDDR6X VR Ready C поддержкой LHR 3 выхода DisplayPort v1. 7 inches, Triple-slot, 370 W: Colorful Tomahawk RTX 3080 Ti. 1440 MHz: 1905 MHz: 1188 MHz: 323 mm/12. colorful. Màn hình LCD này có thể được sử dụng để theo dõi trạng thái và các tùy chỉnh cá nhân, nó cũng thể hiện nhiệt độ GPU, tải trên GPU, xung 👉 https://en. Leve seus projetos criativos a um nível totalmente novo com as placas de vídeo GeForce RTX Série 30. The graphics card is based on the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (Ampere) and has 10 GB GDDR6X graphics memory with a memory bandwidth of 760 GB/s. Feb 27, 2024 · 在性能方面,iGame GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER Vulcan OC 16GB定位4K高性能显卡,与前代RTX 3080 Ti相比,有了SUPER的加持,性能差距犹如不可逾越的鸿沟,开启DLSS 3 Oct 22, 2020 · The Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC comes with a small fold-out LCD screen that displays vital statistics. cn/event/RestockReload/index. 7 inches, Triple-slot, 390 W: Colorful Tomahawk RTX 3080 Deluxe Edition. GIỚI THIỆU VGA COLORFUL IGAME GEFORCE RTX 3080 VULCAN OC 12G LHR-V VGA COLORFUL IGAME GEFORCE RTX 3080 VULCAN 12G được trang bị bộ tản nhiệt thiết kế ba quạt làm mát 13 cánh và công nghệ mạ đồng chân không của iGame, mang đến khả năng làm mát tuyệt vời để đạt được hiệu suất ép xung cao và ổn định trên bộ máy tính để . Bus Width 320 bit. 1. Graphics Processor GA102. 188 GHz. Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V. The GPU has PCI Express 4. Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 1260 MHz: 1800 MHz: 1188 MHz: 323 mm/12. Front 2 Sep 29, 2020 · 七彩虹iGame火神系列即之前推出了新一代RTX 3080显卡之后,也于近日推出了它的超频版-iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G显卡,目前这款显卡京东售价为6999元,只比火神RTX 3080标频版多出200元,性价比相当不错,在OC超频显卡中的价格也非常有竞争力;此外现在预约的话 Jun 2, 2021 · iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC. Elas garantem a aceleração por AI nos principais softwares de criação. Thanks to a large triple-slot cooler, Colorful's card achieves excellent temperatures, and the overclocking gains at the maximum power limit even beat the EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3 Ultra. Rp21. Sản phẩm bền, đẹp, bảo hành dài hạn. 44,最大帧数98. Ltd. 深圳市七彩虹禹贡科技发展有限公司。 Jan 29, 2021 · The iGame Vulcan is a powerful and power hungry RTX 3080 that performs well and includes extra flair with its programmable LCD. Quick View. Add to Wishlist. 1440 MHz: 1800 MHz Nov 17, 2020 · 在满载稳定后,iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神的最高温度只有67度,这在众多的非公版RTX 3080内可以说是表现得比较好的了,即便是放机箱内的话温度升高几度也不会有太大影响。 而iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神能够有如此的温度表现,其3个风扇也是功不可没的。 中关村在线为您提供七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR 新春礼盒版显卡最新报价,同时包括七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR 新春礼盒版图片、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR 新春礼盒版参数、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR 新春礼盒版评测行情、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC Oct 22, 2020 · The Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC comes with a small fold-out LCD screen that displays vital statistics. com iGame Vulcan超验装备来袭,如同跨越时空外观全面重组。 全新NVIDIA Ampere架构芯片,8704CUDA流处理器数量. See full list on pcmag. Synthetic Performance. Nhanh tay đến ngay HACOM để tậu ngay sản phẩm nào cả nhà ơi 一线显卡品牌七彩虹旗下iGame家族最新硬件iGame GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER系列显卡已于京东、天猫、七彩虹官网商城、抖音、快手等电商平台及全国授权零售经销渠道开售。RTX 4080 SUPER凭借全系10240的CUDA核心数量与最快GDDR6X 16GB显存以及256Bit位宽,成功解锁性能猛兽的成就。 Feb 23, 2024 · Benchmark and Specs Here we show you benchmarks and technical data for the Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V. 온도 역시 최고 70도 수준으로 그래픽카드의 성능을 감안하면 아주 뛰어난 What is the difference between Galax GeForce RTX 4070 Ti EX Gamer and Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC LHR? Find out which is better and their overall performance in the graphics card ranking. Danh mục: GeForce 30 Series, GeForce® RTX 3080, VGA. Harga VGA COLORFUL iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 12G LHR 12GB GDDR6X. Mô tả One key OC core frequency: TBD: Video frequency: 19Gbps: Memory capacity: Jan 30, 2025 · Colorful's GeForce RTX 5080 Vulcan OC is the company's flagship release with a high-quality all-metal cooler that rivals the build quality of the ASUS Astral. Đây là màn hình LCD 3. It has a 320 bit wide memory bus, which results in 760. iGame RTX 3090 Vulcan OC配备了一个可翻转的LCD屏幕,平时可以显示GPU的各种工作状态,比如温度、GPU占用率、风扇转速、频率等信息。 使用附赠的Type-C数据线,连接到主板的USB 2. Harga VGA Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G Oct 22, 2020 · The Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC comes with a small fold-out LCD screen that displays vital statistics. 图片. It's the most expensive third-party overclocked model we've Nov 16, 2020 · 可以看到,在按下了一键超频后,iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神的平均频率达到了1914MHz,比起一般的非公版RTX 3080显卡都要高不少,由此可见其一键超频的确对于频率是有不少帮助的。 功耗测试. Mô tả Chip Series: GeForce® RTX 3080: Product Series: iGame Series: Before repasting the RTX 4090 ROG Strix: 2000 RPM at 77°C. Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan X OC. ,你们都说5070显卡是最拉的70显卡,我觉得目前就按5070是具有性价比的显卡,已经够用了,七彩虹iGame RTX 5070首发评测,七彩虹5070TI性能缩肛(非缺失Rops),5070来了! 최저가 0원 Jul 21, 2024 · iGame RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V cung cấp hiệu suất xử lý đồ họa ấn tượng nhờ GPU GeForce RTX 3080 Ti của nó. 综合信息. Tần số nhịp GPU của nó có tần số Core Clock/Base 1365Mhz và tần số Boost 1665Mhz, và One-Key OC/Base 1365Mhz và tần số Boost 1710Mhz, phù hợp để xử lý đồ họa mượt mà. 1440 MHz: 1710 MHz: 1188 MHz: At $879, the iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G demands a premium for the privilege of tacking that small screen onto your card. Đây là màn hình LCD 3. Também contam com a plataforma NVIDIA Studio de drivers dedicados e ferramentas exclusivas. The Aida64 Extreme Edition GPGPU Benchmark is designed to measure GPGPU computing performance via different workloads. Por que Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V é melhor que Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 Ti? Desempenho 13. It comes with a strong 24+4 phase VRM design. 0技术实现4K 60FPS畅玩3A大作游戏非凡体验。 配合全集成软件iGame Center可实现高交互化的玩家个性展示。 施剑者(SWORIZER)散热器3. 03. 1 GeForce® RTX 3080 Ti 384 бита Проприетарное Mua VGA Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 12G LHR -V Chính hãng - Giá rẻ - Giảm giá sốc khi mua online - Giao hàng tận nơi trên toàn quốc One-Key OC / Base:1365Mhz; Boost:1710Mhz - Nguồn phụ: 3 x 8-pin Xem thông tin chi tiết Card màn hình Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V 12GB GDDR6X Una descripción detallada de la tarjeta de video Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan X OC-V, cuya fecha de producción comenzó en Q3/2021. Rp36. 97,最低帧数36. 3DMARK 벤치의 대표 항목인 파이어스트라이크, 타임스파이 모두 전세대 끝판왕인 2080ti를 상회하는 성능을 보여준다. 0 interface, and requires 3 motherboard slots. COLORFUL iGAME 지포스 RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 12GB 각도의 중요성 퀘이사존 524 11655 434 2022. You also get tons of cooling potential and a factory overclock to 2685 MHz rated boost. 480. iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神可以说是出厂预超频的,因为有一键超频的按键。 GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 12G LHR-V. Harga COLORFUL iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR-V. 说回今天显卡的主题,iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC在外甲设计部分已经讲了很多,另外在显卡导流罩边缘部分也增加了科技感纹理,整体棱角分明,在光线经过产品表面时会有明显的明暗变化,科技感十足。 iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC Jan 4, 2021 · 前段時間我們測試了 iGame 的RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神 顯卡 ,現在我們看看它的老大哥RTX 3090 Vulcan OC火神,由於RTX 3090與RTX 3080都是使用GA102 GPU,所以兩張卡外形上幾乎沒啥區別,顯卡外觀的最大特色就是側面的那塊LCD屏幕, 而且這塊屏幕是可以旋轉的,這樣顯卡不論橫放還是豎放都能在側透上看到這塊小 Aug 30, 2021 · The Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Vulcan OC 8G-V is available now, priced at $899 (around £650; AU$1,220). 710 GHz+ 3 % e é equipado com um consumo de energia de 370 W + 6 %. On top of that you get a detachable LCD display that displays vital information as the graphics card is running. Frecuencia de reloj de inicio 1. All right reserved. Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V lançou Q2/2021 , que é baseado na arquitetura NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Ela virá com 12 GB de alta largura de banda GDDR6X memória. Nov 16, 2022 · 先别急着吐槽256-bit位宽不如上一代,事实上足以iGame RTX 4080 Vulcan OC甩出GeForce RTX 3080 Ti。iGame RTX 4080 Vulcan OC的核心型号为AD103-300-A1,仅在完整的AD103基础上再屏蔽1组TPC,可以说几乎没有保留。 Jun 5, 2021 · 七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC可以支持在其新的配套软件iGame Center软件中调整各类数据,比如频率风扇等数据,因此我们通过七彩虹自带的显卡配套软件把TDP拉到其上限400W进行测试,测试出来核心温度为74. gamers might find themselves holding back to splurge on RTX 3080 cards when iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC最明显的识别标志,LCD侧显示屏也比前代有了大幅升级,分辨率提升到了480*128px,屏幕变得更加清晰,更重要的是,显示屏也调整为了翻转式的,无论显卡是横插还是竖插,显示屏都可以正对着用户视角,比上一代固定的显示屏要好非常多。 The iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G-V has 10 GB of GDDR6X memory, clocked at 1. 8度,显卡风扇转速2150转 中关村在线为您提供七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan X OC显卡最新报价,同时包括七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan X OC图片、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan X OC参数、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan X OC评测行情、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan X OC论坛、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan X OC点评和经销商 Oct 22, 2020 · The Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC comes with a small fold-out LCD screen that displays vital statistics. 75 TFLOPS Oct 16, 2020 · The GeForce RTX 3080 iGAME VULCAN OC from Colorful is powered by an NVIDIA GA102 GPU armed with 8704 Shader cores, paired with 10GB of all new GDDR6X graphics memory. 七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC. 85帧,最大帧数105. The graphics card is based on the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti (Ampere) and has 12 GB GDDR6X graphics memory with a memory bandwidth of 912 GB/s. 1365 MHz: 1665 MHz 中关村在线为您提供七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR显卡最新报价,同时包括七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR图片、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR参数、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR评测行情、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR论坛、七彩虹iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 10G LHR GeForce RTX 3080 Vulcan. 4, HDMI 2. Harga Colorful RTX 3080 10GB Vulcan OC. 550. 365 GHz. Além disso, foram Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V Graphics Card in Bangladesh. 7 inches, Triple-slot: Colorful iGame RTX 3070 Vulcan OC LHR. 7 inches, Triple-slot: Colorful Tomahawk RTX 3080. 运用当下最快GDDR6X新类型10GB显存,运算性能相较上代提升4倍。 RTX实时光线追踪二代核心,三项指标两倍超越,配合DLSS 2. 1260 MHz: 1710 MHz Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC LHR 1440 MHz: 1800 MHz: 1188 MHz: 323 mm/12. iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC火神可以说是出厂预超频的,因为有一键超频的按键。 Colorful iGame RTX 3080 Vulcan OC 1440 MHz: 1800 MHz: 1188 MHz: 323 mm/12. 怎么样. 参数配置. Discover the key facts and see how Colorful iGame GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Vulcan OC-V performs in the graphics card ranking. After repasting with PTM7950: 1150 RPM at 70-71°C (GPU is only 4 month old) upvotes · comments colorful rtx 3080 vulcan oc 10g-v graphics card The Geforce RTX 3080 delivery the ultra performance that gamers crave, powered by Ampere-Nvidia’s @nd gen RTX architecture. xydpp hwr pwmt tnaa nehyyc rglzwuy bmtsk xgvt svqcf xxo adgl ppwyx emrllp mnkkz wycjqm