Harry is pregnant with severus child fanfiction "You will have your little girls Harry I promise. " Severus replied as Harry yawned then fell asleep. " Severus snapped "Your the only one I could think of. Snape offers to protect her and raise the child as his own. AU and OOC. He looked around, spotting a blanket on the couch and grabbed it, wrapping the child in it. There is more to the prophesy and everyone agrees that it fits you and Potter almost to a tee other then the fact that you aren't pregnant. - Chapters: 10 - Words: 51,971 - Reviews: 126 - Favs: 227 - Follows: 176 - Updated: 1/14/2017 - Published: 7/29/2015 - Status: Complete The night I told him I was pregnant; he sat me down and said that he knew the baby was Severus'. A crib, dresser, changing table, a rocker, bassinet, bedding, two lamps, a rug, and a mobile that had the names of several basic potions ingredients on it that said the names when it spun. It seemed like the Potions Master could not get Harry out of the library and back to bed where the heavily pregnant man that he was should be. " Harry grinned. ' He knew about Hermione's miscarriage and knew that Severus hadn't been there for her in the last months; he expected that Severus was just as upset about losing their. "Minerva's pregnant. Category: Romance, drama. Severus's magic is unstable, thanks to the baby. However, as incredible as it was that he was among the rare group who could get pregnant without the use of potions…There were other things revealed that day which added to the betrayal Harry discovered back in August when he went to the bank and Aug 23, 2012 · Four years after the death of James and Lily Potter, Severus Snape receives some letters from beyond the grave—one from his mother, Eileen Prince, one from Lily, and the other from someone completely unexpected. Dumbledore smile, "It means that Harry has gone and done the impossible. " Authors said to Severus. Naming another one of Harry's children after 2 of the most important men in Harry's life at Hogwarts that was another one of Harry's ideas November 20, 1998. " Harry said meeting Requested by AngelColdHeart Prompt: Snape imprints on Harry as a baby but Harry is resisting. I mean, I don't think I am. Please R & R! New chapter up! All Harry ever wanted was a family and when Ginny announces she's pregnant, his dream is about to come true. If I owned Harry Nov 25, 2005 · Harry stood watching Severus stalk from the room. After Harry's death, a prophecy is made that his child will have the power to defeat the Dark Lord. He also promised to love the child no matter what. " Harry staired at the greasey haired professor. Incidentally, that's why the Death Eaters never mistreated their children. After that detail, Harry wasn't nervous anymore and he began to think about girl names but he was thinking Everyday, Severus, lost a bit more hope, that the wizarding world would continue. After a drunken and careless one-night-stand with Severus Snape, Bellatrix Lestrange discovers that she is pregnant with his child! Set after "ORDER OF THE PHOENIX". "I love you". A swift movement over Severus's mind drew forth the emotions. I found two names I like. " Severus smiled and he kissed her on the forehead, since he knows that they're going to be parents of their child. " Ron's voice was firm and serious. The white-haired man left then, and Severus went to work reinstating his wards. "It's allright, Harry. He got up and went into his kitchen and started to make a simple but large breakfast for Rebekah. He read book upon book about pregnancy and parenting on both the muggle and magical side of society. "I'm leaving Sev, I can't stay here anymore. " Severus looked at me worriedly but sat down on the edge of the steps. But there is one detail they aren't aware of: Harry is pregnant with their child. It turned from yellow to red with annoyance. He has taught the Dark Lord Voldemort to love. Hermione was pregnant. "I'm sorry. "It could be anyone, not just me. Severus and Draco are officially seven months old. "No, I'm sorry I killed our baby. Countless spells, charms, jinxes, hexes, and curses were used, but they were relentless. - Chapters: 18 - Words: 56,365 - Reviews: 254 - Favs: 802 - Follows: 312 - Updated: 11/9/2008 - Published: 9 Severus and Hermione walked through the corridors hand in hand silently, until they got to their chambers. The fanfiction is called Severus' Rose and there is one for each year at Hogwarts, it is by WrittenWord1 if you want to go and check it out. She nodded and said, "Yes, I'm okay, Severus. Song lyrics can be found here: www (dot Two days later, they went to St. Harry was soon standing in a comfortable looking living room with King Ragnok, Healer Greyclaw, Severus and Evie, along with a couple of warrior goblins, and whilst Evie was busy getting fussed over by the goblin members of her family Harry was standing in front of the floo nervously, Severus in front of him, smiling warmly down at him. - Words: 3,448 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 145 - Follows: 49 - Published: 12/3/2022 - Status Now here he was all alone, missing Harry, and pregnant. His red-haired child cooed at him and pulled the buttons of his shirt. Dec 20, 2008 · Dumbledore wouldn't have left trouble magnet Harry Potter defenseless for years at Hogwarts. A child that was now sitting in front of him, saying he was pregnant – which was pretty ridiculous, considering there hadn't been a natural male pregnancy, that Severus knew of, in the last fifty years – living in a cupboard, seemingly not at all perturbed with the arrangement, and about to take part in one of the most dangerous tournaments Pairing: Harry/Draco/Severus (HPDMSS) Summary: When Severus and Draco tell Harry that they are no longer in love with him, he leaves. Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - [Harry P. In the last chapter, Lily is pregnant again with a child. Rate: R. When the Weasleys left, Harry guided Hermione to bed. “It’s yours, isn’t it?” Narcissa asked, watching Severus go to the back of the store and into one of the dressing rooms. He wonder who could of slipped him the potion, and who the other father was. Severus shook his head. This professor had been trying to expel him since his first day. Severus and Draco fight over it and Harry finds out. "I love you too Greg". Oct 28, 2011 · Chapter one. All pointed at Severus but something wasn't right. Nonetheless, he knelt before Harry's swollen belly and whispered farewells to his child, kissing his lover's stomach before the glamours hid his baby from the world once more. The names are: Eileen and Delphine. Mostly going to be HGSS/HGDM, though HGHP, HGSB, HGTR, HGBZ pairings will be acceptedpretty much anyone but Ron. (an edited/chronological version of this story called "Harry's Sister, Snape's Daughter" has been posted). Betrayed, Hermione leaves without saying where she's going or telling anyone that she's pregnant with Ron's child, in order to protect that which is most precious to her: her child. How will Harry handle begin pregnant and a single father? What happens when he learns that Draco and Snape remember Harry raising them. Shaking his head he was being stupid of course Harry would want the child, he would never abandon any of his children. "I hate you! Curse you!" Minerva hurled insult after insult at Severus and he clearly looked hurt and offended with all the threats and hate directed at him. Lots of angst and a little fluff. HM/SS, DM/BZ, HG/VK, LM/RL slash Snarry mpreg Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Family - Harry P. Here are some ways the names are: 1) Eileen Lillian Snape. son but didn't want to show it. " I nodded, "You might want to sit down. " Severus added when Draco stopped talking. 5) Delphine Lillian Eileen Snape Feb 16, 2025 · Severus Snape survived the encounter with Nagini, unbeknownst to Harry. Yes, if he was around the power within this child would be amazing "Your daddy doesn't want us, maybe it would be better for us to live as muggles. The entirety of Severus' world had just come crashing down upon him. Time: Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts. And that is fast for a bearer. "Severus, the charm. Lily told Severus it was Bath time for Tiffany. "Harry, come on don't do this," Severus said running a hand over his face, "You know why I had to end this. Minerva gasped and turned her head away from Severus. M in Part Dec 3, 2022 · After Severus invites a pregnant Harry to live with him after a horrifying ordeal, he realises just how much he wants to care for and protect Harry and his unborn child. Anyhow, hope you enjoyed it. " "Harry we will all make allowances if this is what you want. The contents of these letters will forever alter his life. " Severus tried to stop him. That Draco is not mature enough to make our relationship a physical one. Harry hates his fame and all the attention he gets with it. Harry sighed but nodded, "I could care less what happens to your child, and my child is a different matter. They were planning on leaving the child at an orphanage to go into hiding before I took the child away. I'm your dad. " while holding out a pregnancy test, in his right hand, James stopped breathing. "1 sickle!" "You're on!" Severus is eight months pregnant, and their little one is almost here, but Harry can't seem to get Severus to talk about the baby - at all. "I'm sure Potter can get plenty of help, without moving in with us. Severus motioned Harry to come into his rooms. Breakfast was a solemn meal, with neither man making much conversation. Understand?" Harry nodded. " Harry looked up at his father and smiled. "Not that it is your concern Mr. " Harry felt like a creep for saying it, but his mouth opened of its own accord. Everyone else, Stay Out!" She snarled before dragging Bella and Draco and Harry are married with 2 kids and 1 on the way. This is my second Harry Potter fic. , Ginny W. "No, he wasn't, son. Harry finds himself pregnant with Voldemort's child due to a magical accident and the Order aren't happy, constantly trying to kill the baby. Eventual HG/SS pairing. He went with her to every appointment. Severus narrowed his eyes, inspecting the baby to make sure the child was alright, his eyes lighting on the newborn's wet tufts of black hair. Cummins, but yes, it's my child. " He asks her about the bun in her belly, and she said to him, "Severus. I fall asleep not too long after Harry. They move to America until Harry is 16. 'Lily, there was prophesy made, a child born as the seventh month dies will be Voldemorts greatest enemy. Oh no I can't be. So from that point on Tiffany was helping her mommy with Harry a lot while Severus have other things that he was doing. Harry is the long lost child of Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy. "All this stunt did was proving my point. "You've set a new record, Miss Evans!" The doctor said to Lily, eyeing Severus, assuming correctly that he was the father, "That's the biggest appendix I've ever seen!" Severus Snape is cursed by Voldemort just before his downfall. Bill compared a pregnant Fleur to a horny, wild beast. She told me. Its also the reason there's only one child from each Pureblood family in the school right now. "The ingredients, sir. Their child, his inner voice corrected ad nauseam. Artist: Yellowcard. Even without Snape in the picture, this child would be incredibly smart. Severus levitated a tray with food on it up to the Becoming Familiar with a Man of Misery 6. " Harry explained. Chapter One. " Sirius gawped. Severus moved to stand in front of Harry. Lucius' insides squirmed every time he glanced at the dark-haired Potions Master, remembering the previous night. "Dark hair, Harry. Warnings: Slash, mpreg, angst, threesomes, sex, swearing, etc. She recently had been unwilling to leave him, but very quiet if he held her. A story of spies, plots, and love. , Dean T. Draco just glared back at Severus. Severus sat on the bed next to Minerva and pulled her gently into his arms. James was a wonderful man. I'm sorry you lost your child. Oct 30, 2008 · "Pregnant?!" he then yelled for Harry to hear. "You're pregnant!" he exclaimed as he showed the test to George. And then the child grows up and starts Hogwartswhere her father is. She, however, had to bring with her a nearly two-month-old Rose Harriet, named after her godfather. You don't know Harry like we do. "As can I!" Severus ground out, "It is my responsibility to take care of you. All complete, all over 40,000 words minimum. Jun 11, 2014 · When Ron attacks her, Harry refuses to get involved and turns her away. Please R & R! New chapter up! Harry got to his feet and started down the hall with Severus following him before answering. This is the story of their parenting struggles. The Severus part would be after the man who loved my mother and gave his life to save mine even if he pretended to hate me. Secrets from the past are discovered. That is exactly why, when Severus looked James in the eye, and said, in a very clear, very accepting tone of voice, "James, I'm pregnant. Harry is pregnant. " Your friends can know of your pregnancy. Sequel to “Love/Hate Relationship”. I don't expect you to be able to comfort me right now. " Harry said allowing his eyes to grow as he saw the positive of the test. Harry has just returned from his first year at Hogwarts and, after a visit from a house elf, the Dursleys lock him up, vowing never to let him return to the magical world. " Some of the best fics where Hermione is pregnant/has a child/will get pregnant. Jessica is several months pregnant, with, as far as anyone knows, Severus' child. Draco has trouble relating to their oldest son, James, who loves sports and manly things. When the baby is born it is clearly a Snape. Jul 12, 2023 · Regulus broke the kiss softly and looked at Severus in shock and awe, grey eyes flicking between their hands on Severus' stomach and Severus' dark eyes filled with actually happy tears, and love, and awe, and hope. He remembered when Narcissa was pregnant with her first child, that she ate a lot of food. Author's Note: Originally a songfic, the lyrics have been removed from this fic to comply with FF rules. Mungos will tell him if I take Harry there. Severus looked to Harry before answering. I will not let them know that a bit of Harry still lingers in this world, for I will not let them use this child as ruthlessly as they had used Harry. Harry concurred. She doesn't want me anyway, any more than she wants you. It had been four days since they had learned of the pregnancy and four days of him avoiding her like the plague not wanting to influence her decision about whether or not to keep her child. Unsurprisingly, Cassandra said no. Severus stopped in his tracks. Warnings: male pregnancy. If they hadn’t run into each other now, he possibly would have never known that Severus was pregnant. " After a drunken one night stand, Harry ends up pregnant with Snape's child. I will have read all of them and made sure they are quality work. " Severus said, he sighed before kneeling in front of Harry's seat. Nov 28, 2013 · "Harry has a crush on Severus. I know your grief is bad. Poppy has also told me that it is a baby boy. Harry started. "The Potters decided to get rid of their child, so they would remain safe. For a moment, he wished Severus was not an accomplished Occlumens, although he had taught Severus so that the man could deceive Dumbledore. But I'm mourning our child too. "Harry, that wasn't your . " "I know, and I'm not trying to really I'm not. 25MIN "Luc is right. Severus returned to the furniture shop and looked over the tagged items Hermione purchased. 2) Delphine Lillian Snape. " Harry shook his head. Severus had flooed her reluctantly asking for help. Our baby is the size of a sesame seed," Bill, Fleur, and Victoire stayed for dinner. She was mumbling about her Husband. After a few too many drinks, Severus gives into his hidden desires resulting in an unexpected pregnancy. " Severus explained to the curious girl. After an epic final battle, the two regain the knowledge of their missing son, and they seek to build a relationship after all these years of separation. Throughout her pregnancy, Cassandra did the best she could to ward off the Death Eaters. "Severus, wait! Which is why it sometimes takes longer for men to fall pregnant, unless the two trying for a child are magically strong, then it happens rather quickly. "Poppy, what is it? What does that mean?" Severus squeezed Minerva's hand and nodded at the wand in Poppy's hand. Disclaimer: I own a laptop and a Zen calendar. There probably won't be anymore Parkinson's, for example, until Pansy's sister- in- law gets pregnant. Once the couple caught their breath Severus said," Draco love I love you so much, you make me love you more than Potter. Mungo's Hospital and indeed they found out that Harry is pregnant with a baby daughter. "We can't have an only child Harry. He hoped Severus would stick by him. Remus almost felt the shrug that ended Moony's sentence. " The next morning, Severus woke up with an arm around Rebekah's waist; Rebekah was dead asleep against him. A few weeks had passed since Harry learned that he was pregnant from that amazing club night in the bathroom with Howard. " "I really want this baby, mum. Sorry. Severus made a face and Minerva flushed and looked Harry giggles. At thirteen Hermione becomes his protector, working and training with Severus, giving up her childhood to ensure Harry's safety. " "Well, yeah bu-" "Well then. What felt like hours passed before the silence was broken by Severus. " "You just got bonded. " Severus was shocked. The others had given Harry up for lost, and had mourned his passing. Draco, Severus and Harry are in a relashionship but what happens when Harry finds out that he is pregnant with their first child? WARNING: MPREG AND YAOI Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,924 - Reviews: 64 - Favs: 720 - Follows: 226 - Updated: 6/23/2007 - Published: 5/13/2007 - Status: Complete - id: 3537941 Severus gathered the crying child to his chest and used his robe to clean the child off. Summary: Lily and James are marriedand have a son, Dave, when Lily gets pregnant with Severus' child, which Snape doesn't know about. One night at dinner Tiffany was eating with daddy, mommy, and Harry. Pairings: Sirius/Severus. Potter was pregnant! And it looked like he was in labour. * * Eight Months Later ** Start of Term * * Severus, much to his dismay, was wearing the green sling around his neck. Self-hatred, shame, sadness, fear, and disgust. - Words: 4,311 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 80 - Follows: 24 - Published: 1/4/2014 - Status: Complete Harry said. being a 'fucking bastard. Severus being Severus did not beat around the bush for long. It took three weeks for Severus and Harry's relationship to get back to normal. ASSHOLES DON'T NEED TO NOT SUE POOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! ~~~~~ "DAR!" The crystal ball rolled on the table happily and stopped on the edge farthest away from the Shaman. Severus silently watched the interactions between a mother and her child with a slight smile on his face which turned abruptly to a frown when he remembered that he was sent there to take Bellatrix's one chance at happiness her baby, and that he must give it to the people she hates most Filthy Muggles! Harry said. The reason they were enjoying their afterglow was that Severus had just found out from Draco that said Draco was pregnant with Severus' child and that made the man fall even more in love with Draco. The only one who can defeat him. However, one day thanks to that annoying The-Boy-Who-Lived's clumsiness, he discovers something he wished not to find out. Warnings: child abuse, Dumbledore bashing, good Malfoys. 4) Delphine Eileen Lillian Snape. " Severus stated. "Ron and I got pregnant the first time we had sex. - Chapters: 5 - Words: 13,894 - Reviews: 90 - Favs: 302 - Follows: 408 - Updated: 12/4/2013 - Published: 7/6/2010 - id Sequel to “Love/Hate Relationship”. When he was packed, they went outside Months ago, her mother had cornered her, ordering her to give up her child to the Dark Lord as the child would be of use to him. He cried for the loss of his hopeful dreams for a family he had always wanted. I won't let my child grow up with a parent that doesn't want it. Severus Snape. As times passes, Severus becomes teacher, mentor, friend, and eventually lover. The night Harry was born I realized why the Headmaster didn't want Severus and I Severus watched Potter leave before looking back at everyone else in the kitchen. He looked crestfallen. Lucius is a spy for the light and Sirius had a big problem here. Harry, Fred and George escape and go to Voldemort, hoping for safety, and they might just find a lot more than that. HermionePOV – One month later. That's all she can remember from the seventh year party. Severus pulled his wand and Harry raised an eyebrow. " "I am not a responsibility!" Harry said frowning, "I don't need someone to take care of me, nor do I need them to think that they should because they have too!" "That is not what I meant. "You mean, Jamse was not my real father?" Harry asked. Rated: Fiction T - English - Harry P. He even helped me with the potions and charms to hide the fact that Harry was Severus'. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Harry P. He stayed by her side when she was ill, and he brewed anti-nausea droughts for her that would not affect the fetus. His breathing was labored and quick, his brow broken out with a sheen of sweat as he processed the information that was now at hand. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Hermione G. Harry has trouble relating to their middle child, Scorpius, who wants to be a girl. Severus had no idea why he was interested but he inquired on the father, though he had suspicions, and they were confirmed when Harry admitted he and Ron had been lovers in the last month before the battle. Harry has to go through the nine months of being pregnant, labor and raising both of his rivals. Severus placed a cold hand on Harry's stomach, making his gasp. And I know I haven't updated at least one of my fanfictions in a long time, but I have been really ill lately, and my conditions have gotten worse, and I have had family and Harry cooed softly and lifted a chubby little hand up at him before putting it into his mouth and sucking on it. Severus smiled back at his son and told him to pack up. Now what will Severus and Draco do? So he thought that if he got himself pregnant with my child I would change my mind. " Molly said reacting her hand against Harry's cheek. Severus knew he should tell Harry, he was not sure if he should, what if Harry did not want the child? He already had five, that was a lot for a pureblood. " Harry said frowning, "I would like to be able to see all of you, but I don't want anyone to be unhappy. He tells them he doesn't want to come between them and tries to leave but collapses. A sob made it passed his lips. , Severus S. It was undeniable the little pick positive sign was going to possibly be the death of me if Sev…I mean Professor Snape ever found out that I was pregnant. " Severus said. Severus kept his word for the duration of Hermione's pregnancy. And he knew with certainty that it was his child. ] Draco M. "Harry and I agreed to start our family right away. "What the hell did you do?" Sequel to “Love/Hate Relationship”. I couldn't possibly be… And yet there it was staring at me in the face. When Hermione finds out she's pregnant with someone other than Ron's child, everything changes for her. Severus was a bit disappointed that it wasn't a first-born son, but his hoping that the next child would be a boy. Unless you help now, Harry will lose his child. I believe it only took Remus and Sirius a month to fall pregnant, going by how far along Sirius was when he miscarried anyway. You was an only child, didn't you wish you had a brother or sister. " Ginny said as she handed Harry the test. Can you drop the glamour so I can see the bump?" Harry dropped the glamour and slouched back on the sofa and lifted his top showing his bump. Harry Potter & Severus Snape (12) Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape (11) Tom Riddle/Severus Snape (10) Include Additional Tags Pregnant Severus Snape (150) Mpreg | Male Pregnancy (108) Bottom Severus Snape (76) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (25) Good Severus Snape (23) Pregnancy (21) Young Severus Snape (17) Harry Potter & Severus Snape (12) Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape (11) Tom Riddle/Severus Snape (10) Include Additional Tags Pregnant Severus Snape (153) Mpreg | Male Pregnancy (109) Bottom Severus Snape (76) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (25) Good Severus Snape (23) Pregnancy (21) Young Severus Snape (17) It didn't take long for Voldemort, the children, Severus and Harry to be portkeyed out, closely followed by the last of the Death Eaters. Severus walked slowly through the empty classrooms. " "So it is your child?" Eric asked. " Harry declared firmly. Severus looked confuse, "Excuse me?" I frowned, "Sev, there's something I have to tell you…" Severus looked at me, his black eyes sparkled with curiosity, "I have a feeling it's something to do with me. He asks her, "Are we keeping it?" Esmerelda nodded and she said, "Yes. Hermione discovers that she is pregnant with this child. - Chapters: 11 - Words: 9,491 - Reviews: 80 - Favs: 58 - Follows: 118 - Updated: 8/27/2011 - Published Chapter 20: Harry is Pregnant!!! Warnings and Disclaimers are in the first few chapters so fuck off. Hermione sat on the sofa and Severus took the coffee table. Personally I wrote it just to see if I could write a different type of Severitus(is that right) fic, at least from the ones I've seen. Please R & R! New chapter up! Little does Severus Snape know, he and Harry Potter have a connection that goes far beyond Lily Evans. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Harry P. "Pregnant women always are like this when the baby or multiple babies are coming," Poppy said as she was laughing at Severus' misfortune once again while Pomona was doubled over in laughter. Feeling sick, Severus stood, leaving the table without a word. Slash! SSSB Having being raped by his most highest enemy, Sirius Black, Severus finds himself two weeks pregnant! With the help of his sister and cousin, Severus teals of being a single parent refusing to tell the truth to other father-Chapter One-11:13:35PM June 02, 1976 Abounded He was taking the news of being pregnant calmly, he smiled gently and let his hand wonder down to the bump where his child lay. Aug 19, 2010 · He saw Severus and shook. As an unsuspecting father and an orphaned brothera young girl is about to forever change both of their lives. After struggling to believe he was not a whore after his Uncle's abuse, Harry married Severus and is now trying for a child. " "That's impossible," Severus said, "The Dark Lord loves no one. OotP references. Bella, I'll need your help. The child is going to be a girl. So Severus to take Tiffany for bath time she is daddy's girl after all. Note: Unbeta-ed. Will Snape be able to seduce him and prove his love? soulmates, omgea/alpha, omega!Harry, alpha!Severus, Snarry, Lily lives!, courting, complete knotting, heat, mpreg, Pregnant!Harry, loving relationship, Very AU Read time approx. You're the only one who I thought of. Severus looked at the Sirius and Remus before glancing at Harry who was looking between the three hopefully, "Is this what you want Harry?" "Not if you won't be happy. "Well done!" Severus shouted as he jumped up and lifted Hermione into his arms, spinning her around. She did not want him to get into a fight with a professor and be expelled. "Harry, are you saying that you are pregnant with the Dark She raised her eyebrow at him waiting for an answer. "I'm pregnant," Severus breathed, "Five weeks. He loves Snape and now all he's got to do is see if Snape feels the same way. "50/50 chance it's a girl!" George said. 3) Delphine Eileen Snape. Besides he would use his fame like that. At his brusque, "Enter," she opened the door and went inside. "Yes, Severus, pregnant," he said with a slight smirk at unsettling the Potions master. " Severus said looking at his young blonde hair lover. "It's brilliant, Minni!" After spending a few nights with them, Draco suddenly become unusually jealous over Harry although he loves Severus. " Harry was close to tears again. By now, Draco was nuzzling Harry, telling him what a great job he did, delivering their baby, but Harry did not dignify him with an answer, he was so tired and sore A child is a rare, rare thing. I'm pregnant. Severus was concentrating on his food, mind on Lucius' unexplained pregnancy. " Harry said keeping his eyes away from Severus eyes. " "Harry Potter, go!" Hermione hissed at him. Pregant. "Five months, so in another six there will be a little Severus or Harry running around. Harry's mother had died for him, and he would not take a baby's life, it was not in him. " Ron swallowed. " He was concerned about this. But now, here Harry Potter was, the child of his childhood best friend, showing him that he was pregnant with a child created from rape, and there was no way for it to be possible. "I am not a child to be told what to do. The former Potions teacher/DADA teacher/Headmaster finds himself lacking a purpose following the victory of the Light side. Will Harry accept him and the baby, or will Severus's unfaithfulness tear them apart forever? Song: Breathing. By either of you. "There would be no way to hide my pregnancy, or to explain how I suddenly have a child with me at all times when I'm not known by many people to be seeing anyone. Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride. No way that Severus could conceive of, or wanted to. Tom stared stunned at the figure standing in front of him dripping water from his soaked cloak onto his expensive wood floors, hair sticking to his pale and drawn face, green eyes were wider than normal with fear and he was trembling faintly, from what Tom would guess to be cold, fear and tiredness if the bags under his eyes were anything to go by. He talks Ron or someone else (I'm choosing the latter option because Harry/Ron doesn't sit well with me) into polyjuicing themselves into Severus and having sex with Harry. "I am not going. Please don't make it harder by shutting me out. " "It seems Harry as changed that, if anything judging by that kiss," Dumbledore said with his eyes twinkling. Giving Birth to a Child from the Enemy-Summary: Mpreg. It causes Snape to become pregnant the next time he is touched, no sex involved. This will not be a slash story, so don't expect it. Apr 11, 2024 · Harry said quietly feeling like a fool for forgetting wizards could become pregnant. "Severus, take Harry to the family suite, the bedroom next to mine, and heal him, please. Harry smiled down at him, his face radiating the love he felt. I know Healer Morris would talk to yo about it. " Harry said as they entered his and Tom's rooms. Hermione knocked gently on his classroom door. What will Severus do when he finds out?" Harry muttered something under his breath and both Draco and Severus gasped as Harry's belly was revealed. With how hard it was for her mother to get pregnant, she could never imagine aborting her child. "I'm not…. Harry gets pregnant. "I believe your godfather and Severus used a procedure where they implant a womb into your body. Fleur and Hermione had a discussion, comparing their experiences with pregnancy, while Harry and Bill talked about what it was like to take care of a pregnant wife. " Poppy smiled and left the pair alone. They can assist you with the casting of glamor charms to hide your pregnancy. "It was a mutual decision. " Ron shaped up Harry Potter was looking at his friend who was crying into his wife. " "This way. The only known family for having more than one child is the Weasley's. This story follows Harry and Severus through the years as they navigate parenthood and their deep love for each other. During a visit to her sister Laura's house she receives a letter from her half-brother Harry to get to Hogwarts. "Harry, George take a look at this. Poppy reports to the headmaster, St. They all landed in Voldemort's large throne room in Slytherin Manor. Harry and I head back to bed and cuddle with each other until Harry falls asleep. Ginny and Hermione were almost moved to tears. Harry fell back onto the couch and lay down curled into a little ball. Summary: Severus cheats on Harry with Lucius and winds up pregnant. "Don't apologize Harry. " Voldemort ordered. Harry frowned, he wondered what Severus will think about him being pregnant. Summary: Severus is pregnant for the last 18 years, and he isn't a Death Eater. "It's a muggle pregnancy test. dacon rxul vxp psxtth etbtlj rqs nvmuoixb eyh achyy sfryi jhfw mxqfvc jeyun vtlgr qavdrq