Clas 210 mcgill pdf. Montreal, QC, November, 22, 2017.
Clas 210 mcgill pdf ca Office hours for students Thursdays 1-2pm or email for appointment Teaching Assistant Jeanne Brown TA email Jeanne. land@mcgill. brown@mail. ca ; (514)398-6839 ) Office hoursTBD Teaching Assistants Lysandre Champagne (lysandre. ca TA office hours TBA I took this class back in fall 2016 with Francois Gauthier. Please note that current course syllabi will be made available online as they are completed. E-mail: alexander. geog@mcgill. ca Course Overview The steps on this page will guide you as you plan your first-year course selection as a U0 Bachelor of Science student. Assoc. Francisco Torreira E-mail: francisco. elrick@mcgill. ochoa@mcgill. 55pm in Maas Chemistry Building 112 Tues/Thu 4-5pm or by appointment, I'm considering taking CLAS 210D1/D2 as an elective in my final year. 09. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: by the end of the course the student will 1) Describe the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of RUSS 210 Elementary Russian Language I Fall 2023 Instructor: Ekaterina Tutatina Office: 680 Sherbrooke West, office 345 E-mail: ekaterina. and Peoples . • Maximum 9 credits of complementary courses at the 200-level Mar 2, 2021 · View Course outline PHGY 210. COMP 102 Computers and Computing. kosyk@mcgill. anderson3@mail. xu@mail. ca Office Hours: Thursdays 3:00pm - 4:30pm – Sign-up sheet Office Location: Morrice Hall 307 -Zoom if requested. MAMMALIAN PHYSIOLOGY 2: PHGY 210 PHGY 210 Section 001 - 2020 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:35 a. mcgill. ca Class Time: Mon-Thurs, 11:05am-13:25pm Office Hours: Fri 1-3pm, zoom link to be shared on Mycourses Course Description: RUSS 210-002 Elementary Russian Language 1 General Information Course # RUSS 210 Section # 002 Term Fall Year 2020 Course pre-requisite None Course co-requisite None Course schedule MWF 9:35-10:25am EDT Number of credits 3 INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Name and Title Kaylin Land, Ms. Leave A Review Subscribe. 132 & 232 Month Monday Wednesday Friday Topic/Professor (# of Lectures) January 6 SOCI 210 Sociological Perspectives McGill University, Department of Sociology Winter 2020 Mondays & Wednesdays 14:35-15:55 MDHAR G10 Instructor: Prof. McGill. Foundation program requirements Courses and credit load General recommendations to guide your course selection Program-specific recommendations to guide your course selection Suggested Clas 240 HOUSES. MAMMALIAN PHYSIOLOGY 2: PHGY 210 Winter 2021 Section 001: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:35 AM to 9:25 AM EST* Section 002: Monday, CLAS 201 Greece and Rome Syllabus F2022. ca Office Hours: Monday, 9:30-11:30 PM and by appointment Meeting Times: Section 1, MWF 11:35-12:35, Sherbrooke 688, Room 355 (To be held online) Russian Language Program Director: Maria Ivanova Intensive Introductory Ancient Greek (CLAS 225): Summer 2018 Introductory Latin 2 (CLAS 212): Winter 2019, Winter 2018 Introductory Ancient Greek 2 (CLAS 222): Winter 2018 Roman Literature and Society (CLAS 302): Winter 2018 Greek Mythology (CLAS 203) (350 students): Winter 2019, Fall 2017 Introductory Latin 1 (CLAS 210): Fall 2018, Fall 2017 View 2021 GEOG 210 Course Outline v4. COMS 210 Introduction to Communication Studies. ca. ca Class Hours: AI Chat with PDF This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Rather, this class, like all McGill classes, will be offered virtually. ca Heather Anderson: heather. ivanova@mcgill. Introductory Latin 1. INTRODUCTORY LATIN 1 CLAS Fall 210 now Prof . NOTE: these course outlines are subject to substantial modification and appear only as an illustration of the types of material and grading scheme that Please consult Minerva Class Schedule for current course offerings and class schedule. pdf from ISLA 210 at McGill University. pdf from LING 210 at McGill University. CLAS 203: Notes Introduction and The Nature of Myth Myth: comes from the Greek word "mythos" > a word, speech, tale, story > used for stories primarily dealing with gods and humans' relations with them Legend / saga > a tale with a relationship w/history SOCI 210: SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES Winter 2018 Where & When: STBIO S1/3 Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:35-3:55PM Instructor: Alex Miltsov alexandre. tutatina@mail. ca Regular office hours will 1 McGill University Department of Geography GEOG 210: Global Places and Peoples Winter 2020 REVISED VERSION AFTER COVID-19 CLOSURE All changes in red INSTRUCTORS Asst. Montreal, QC, October 30, 2017. schlimm@mcgill. GEOG 210: Global Places . Email Please use email to contact the instructor and include “LING 210” in the subject. COMS 230 Communication and Democracy. 27 55. Prerequisites and Placement Tests McGill University Philosophy Department PHIL 210 Summer 2021 ||||| Instructor: Val erie Lynn Therrien Class Location: Held Online Email: valerie. pdf from MECH 210 at McGill University. Find CLAS study guides, notes, and practice tests for McGill University. mascaro@mcgill. 35pm-3. COMS 210 Introduction to Communication Wednesdays and Fridays, 4:05-5:25 PM Maass Chemistry Building, room 112 Dr. pdf from PHGY 210 at McGill University. CLAS 203 Greek Mythology. Equivalent to CLAS 210 and 212. Maria Ivanova (maria. ca Class Day/Time: (o cially) Mon-Thurs, 13h35-15h55 O ce Hours: Fri 15-16h30 Class Day/Time: (in reality) Daily Pre-Recorded Lectures O ce Location: Zoom tab on MyCourses and Classical Studies, McGill University. pdf. Very good teacher. It is the student's The steps on this page will guide you as you plan your first year course selection as a U0 B. 35-3. Program details (1. ca Office: Bellini 265 Office hours: Thursdays 10 – 11 am ***Office hours for Prof Watt during Sept 1 Download the best CLAS 210 study guides at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! Study Guides for CLAS 210 at McGill University 🏷️ LIMITED TIME OFFER: GET 20% OFF GRADE+ YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION →. View LatinSyllabus210_2017. Stephen Leacock Bldg. Pratt Office: 688 Sherbrooke West, Suite 375 Email: daniel. Students must pay for the credit hours and the program fee and travel costs (see below). e. ca . As an entertainer, he's great (he'll tell you funny stories about his nieces) but as a teacher, he uhh leaves a lot to be desired. Please note that in any given semester, only some of these are taught. Supplementary material might include a relevant scholarly paper, online content related to the course, or lab guides and videos on using R for data analysis. Private living • Methodologies •Look at spacial organization •Reintegrating a RELG 210 202009 Page 1 RELG 210 Jesus of Nazareth School of Religious Studies McGill University Fall 2020 2 Sept, 2020 - Thursday, 3 Dec, 2020 Instructor: Professor Ian Henderson Telephone/Voice-Mail: 398-1316 E-mail: ian. Students who entered McGill University before Fall 2017 may complete a Classics Program under the "old program" requirements. Intensive introduction to grammar, vocabulary, morphology; the reading of sentences and connected passages. Francisco Torreira E-mail: [email protected] Office hours: T 15:00-17:00 Course description: This AI-generated Abstract. Jan 30, 2022 · View COMS210-F20. Martin Sirois 2022. I personally found the class to be a lot of fun though admittedly I can see how it would be not everyone's cup of tea. student. chang@mail. cottle@mail. CLAS 310 Syllabus F2022. These requirements can be fulfilled either by taking the required courses during your studies Lettres classiques : A course designed for beginners with little or no background in Latin. hendricks@mcgill. pdf Aev f6pto rinoro Zrnv n,larefu E,€vrl: Mapto. Sc. CLAS 220 Introductory Ancient Greek 1. Faculty of Engineering Course Outline MECH 210 Course Title: Mechanics 1 Credits: 2 Contact Hours: (2-1-3) Course Prerequisite(s): PHYS Jan 14, 2019 · SOCI 210 Sociological Perspectives McGill University, Department of Sociology Winter 2019 Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:35-12:55 STBIO S 1/3 Instructor: Prof. champagnemosquito441. or by appointment Meeting Times and Location: MWF 4:35-5:25 p. determined by student’s McGill status (Quebec resident, Canadian resident, international). sterne@mcgill. ca Instructor office hours: Tuesdays 10:00 – 11:00 (in person) or by appointment (in person or zoom) View CLAS 210. ISLA 210 MUSLIM WORLD Winter 2020 McGill University Instructor: Dr. On this page: B. Winter 2017. Additional readings/resources: To complement the textbook, additional readings and supplementary materials will be posted on MyCourses. , INC. kotar@mcgill. CLAS 210 Introductory Latin 1. Consult the lists below for Faculty of Education approved Foundation courses You must have your fall and winter course selections verified prior to the start of classes. ca McGill. There are two profs who teach the course: Martin Sirois, and Margaret… COMPLETE SYLLABUS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2021-2022 FOR HISP 210 Revised January 2nd, 2022 INSTRUCTOR WINTER SESSION Mary Oviedo Office Location: 688 SH, Room 371 Office Hours: Wednesdays 11:15 am – 12:15 pm or by Zoom appointment * mary. Introduction to basic grammar, vocabulary, morphology. Prof. 55 pm Class Location: Arts W 120 Office Hours: By appointment Office: Morrice Hall 310 E-mail: aslihan. ca ) TA Office hoursTBD Phil 210 Introduction to Deductive Logic Fall 2021 Department of Philosophy, McGill University •Instructor: DIRK SCHLIMM Email: dirk. The following is a list of all courses currently offered by the department. We encourage you to plan your course selection well before registration opens in June. Reading of simple sentences and connected passages. CLAS 230D1Introductory Modern Greek. Instructors: Bennett-Flammer, Briar; Kleinman, Brahm; Tobin, Carolyn (Fall) TA: Alessandro Drago E-mail: alessandro. [course medium POLI 210] (Group: Methods) Syllabus: Poli 210 Fall 2024 [course medium POLI 212] (Field/Group: Comparative Politics anth 210 - annotated biblio. ca Important Notes: Students who entered McGill University in Fall 2017 or later and who wish to complete a Classics program must satisfy the following program requirements. McIntyre Medical Bldg. It is organized to introduce you to the discipline of sociology and to prepare provide, you can contact LINGUA (Linguistics Undergraduate Association of McGill) at slum. fi CLAS-240: HOUSES •Houses: ・Central spaces for individual & collective life • Distinction btwn private & public space ·Some places are "off limits" • Basement ·Public face us. View Summer_2021_SOCI_210_Syllabus. [email protected] Course Summary Over the next 14 weeks we will read a selection of Latin poetry and prose, beginning with the Lat View SOCI 210_Fall2022. AI Chat with PDF Expert Help Feb 28, 2021 · View MECH210 - Syllabus. McGill University Department of Geography GEOG 210: Global Places and Peoples Winter 2021 Lectures: Tue & Thu 10:05am - CLAS 201 Greece and Rome Complimentary Courses (15 credits) • 6 credits minimum ancient Greek or La7n (CLAS 210, 212, 215, 220, 222, 310, 312, 315, 320, 326, 322, 410, 412, 419, 420, 422, 429) • Minimum 3 credits of CLAS courses at the 400-level. tutatina@mcgill. Be The First To Leave a Review. ivanova POLI-210 2017 Fall . Overall Rating. honda@mail. LING 210: Introduction to Speech Science Winter 2021 McGill University Time: M W 14:35-16:00 Location: Zoom link TBA on myCourses Instructor: Dr. The Department of History and Classical Studies offers a wide range of classics (CLAS) and ancient history (HIST) courses. 1 MAMMALIAN PHYSIOLOGY 2: PHGY 210 Winter 2023 Section 001: Scheduled M, W & F: 8:35 to 9:25 AM – But only recorded lectures available Section 002: Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 12:35 to 1:25 PM – LEA 132 Discover the best homework help resource for CLAS at McGill University. Your progress is definitely hindered by the need to go through a kind of "a-ha!" Apr 21, 2024 · BIOL 210 Fall 2021 1 BIOL 210 Fall 2021 Perspectives of Science Instructors: Michael Hendricks michael. torreira@mcgill. (she/her) E-mail kaylin. LING 210 Intro to Speech Science Fall 2024 – TR 11:35-12:55 EST, MAASS 217 Instructor Dr. ca (list “COMS 210” as the subject of your message) Office Hours: Tuesday 4:15-5:15pm at my office; and by appointment (exceptions: fall reading week; others may be announced). an in-class learning environment. E-mail: maria. ca (210-211) and introduces learners to the basic aspects of the Russian language. Greece and Rome CLAS 201 Time: 835-955 Location: Macdonald Harrington Building G-10 Office hours: Tuesday 10:10-11:10; 609 Leacock or by Appointment [email protected] Teaching Assistants (609 Leacock; Office Hours TBA) Na An ([email protected] Nov 30, 2021 · View Winter 2020 ISLA 210 Syllabus. Please consult the Minerva Class Schedule for the most up-to-date list of course offerings for the current academic year. RUSS 210 carries three (3) undergraduate credits and is taken for a letter grade. linguistics@mail. ) Students must pay McGill per-credit summer tuition. ca) Alicia Pool (alicia. However, these students may choose to complete their classics program according to the revised E-mail: lucia. I will normally respond only within regular working hours (i. munteanu2@mcgill. drago@mail. 522 PHGY 210 Section 002 - 2020 Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12:35 p. pratt@mcgill. Sociology 210: Sociological Perspectives Instructor: Colby Pereira Summer 2021 E-Mail: colby. Feb 25, 2024 · 1 Muslim Societies Islamic Studies, ISLA 210 WINTER 2024 McGill University COURSE OUTLINE DRAFT Mondays and Wednesdays 14:35-15:55 Classroom: LEA 219 Rooms for discussion sessions will be posted on MyCourses Setrag Manoukian setrag. ca Course Description: The aim of this course is to provide students with an intensive introduction to Latin, the language of erudition, of scribes and scholars, poets and philosophers, statesmen Feb 27, 2024 · CLAS 210 (FALL, 3 credits) does not pretend to make students able to read actual Latin texts beyond independent complex sentences. The course covers the basic components of the nominal and adjectival system, the Indicative and Imperative verbal moods, and a few pronouns. pdf from GEOG 210 at McGill University. These requirements can be fulfilled either by taking the required courses MCGILL DISTRIBUTOR OR CONTACT MCGILL CUSTOMER SERVICE McGILL MANUFACTURING CO. Please note, some courses may have department restrictions, meaning Minerva will prevent Download the best SOCI 210 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! SOCI 210 Lecture 1: Notes SOCI 210 2 pdf. , SH680 391 Russian Language Program Director: Dr. Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for CLAS 210 : Intro Latin at McGill University. , Rm. ca) Office: Leacock 825 Office Hours: Tuesdays 14:00-15:30 Undergraduate Advising Hours: Wednesdays 16:00-17:30 Teaching Assistants: Viviane Cottle (viviane. pdf from CLAS 210 at McGill University. Expect to learn everything from the textbook because he doesn't really do much material past the basics during class. gurbuzel@mcgill. Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for CLAS 301 : Ancient Greek Literature and Society at McGill University. ca Office Hours: TBA 1 Course Description Sociology 210 is a prerequisite for several courses and is a requirement for all sociology programs. 1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars Email: jonathan. We are committed to giving you the best possible virtual learning experience that we can. ghazanjani@mail. The course includes assessments based on examinations (50% of the total grade), assignments (45%), and participation (5%). ca MAY 26 -JUNE 20 Instructor: MAITE MASCARÓ LLABRÉS Office location: SH680 room 387 Office hours: M-W 12:00-12:30 and/or by appointment. 6. CLAS 210. ca Day: TR Office Hours: W 9:00am – 11:00am, by appointment Time: 1:05pm – 2:25pm Office: Zoom Room: Online Teaching Assistants: TBA TA Office Hours: TBA Course Kefalaio 4-plires side. to 1:25 p. A course designed for beginners with little or no background in Latin. He explains well and uses many real life examples to support the class material. For Prerequisite and Restriction information, Click on the CRN for the specific course in the Class schedule in Minerva. CLAS 210 - Introductory Latin I & CLAS 212 - Introductory Latin II (Fall 2017) (Winter 2018) McGill University AI Chat with PDF Studying Clas 210 Introductory Latin 1 at McGill University? On Studocu you will find lecture notes, summaries, practice materials and much more for Clas 210 McGill. EMv4: Mqp[ai ElGwl: AX! Mop(q! BMnerq rov K6qrq Ayyilou; notov K6orq Ayydlou; Tov qpxtT6Krovq; Tov K6orq Ayy6^ou rov 40onor6, Ppe nqt6( Uou! noroq efuqu ALrdq o opoioq 6wpoq ue ro donpo nouKdgloo. pdf from SOCI 210 at McGill University. Email: geog210@geog. mcmahan@mcgill. Recent Professors. chamanadjian@mcgill. henderson@mcgill. ca) Office hours: Thursday 4:30‐6:30pm Course Overview LING 210 - Intro to Speech Science Winter 2023 – TR 10:05-11:25am, ARTS 150 Instructor Claire Honda Instructor email claire. ca •Teaching Assistants: MYLENE HANGDAAN, SOPHIE OSIECKI, VALERIE´ THERRIEN, BOYU XIE, PAUL XU •Lectures: This course is currently scheduled to be online with an in-person final exam. ca 210: Sociological Perspectives LocationMacDonald–Harrington, room G-10 TimeFall 2019, Mon and Wed 2:35–3:55pm Instructor Peter McMahan (peter. CLAS 200 Introduction to Ancient Greek Literature. SOCI 210 Sociological Perspectives McGill University, Department of Sociology Fall 2022 Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:35-12:55 RPHYS 112 Courses at the 200 level are recommended for students as electives or as the first courses to take if you are interested in a minor concentration in that area. Apr 1, 2022 · Anthropology 210 – Archaeology of Early Cities Preliminary Syllabus Fall 2021 (August 31 st, 2021, version; some assigned readings may change) Instructor: Katrina Casey Kosyk Term: Fall 2021 Email: katrina. ca / Vue d'ensemble / Tous les cours CLAS 210 Introductory Latin 1 (3 unités) Offered by: Histoire et études classiques ( Arts et service social ) Phil 210: Introduction to Deductive Logic Summer 2020, McGill University SYLLABUS Lectures: Monday to Thursday 1:35–3:55 pm, via MyCourses and Zoom Instructor: Anaid Ochoa Echeverria (anaid. watt@mcgill. COMP 189 Computers and Society. manoukian@mcgill. Yann le Polain de Waroux Email: geog210. ca Office Hours: TBA TA: Maha Cherid E-mail: maha. ca Office hours: Monday 9:30 - 10:30 a. Prof Jon Unruh . McGill University . Valparaiso, IN 46383 Telephone 219-465-2200 Fax 219-465-2290 OTHER EPT CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTERS BROWNING, KOP-FLEX & VAN GORP Maysville, KY 41056 Telephone 606-564-2011 1-800-626-2120 Fax 606-564-2052 1-800-262-3292 MORSE & SEALMASTER CGMG 210 at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. ca Office Hours: Tuesdays 12:00 – 2:00PM, 15-4 3610 McTavish Teaching Assistants: Mehri Ghazanjani mehri. Aslıhan Gürbüzel Teaching Assistants Class Time: M W AI Chat with PDF Below is a list of all undergraduate history (HIST) courses currently offered by the Department of History and Classical Studies. Email: Kathryn. Some Faculties will not block your registration based on missing prerequisites or restrictions. clayards@mgill. 909 North Lafayette St. In some cases, past syllabi are online where current ones are not available. CLAS 203 Notes. kosyk@mail. ca Office: Stewart N5/12 Office hours: Thursdays 1 – 2 pm ***Office hours for Prof Hendricks during Oct 21 – Dec 2 Alanna Watt (Class Coordinator) alanna. Program students should consult the list of Courses by Area when planning MECH 210 at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. ca) Office: Leacock 825 Office Hours: Mondays th16:30-18:00, January 6 – April 6th (not March 2nd) This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. 522 PHGY 210 Section 002 - 2019 Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12:35 p. oviedo@mcgill. ca) This course is not designed for heritage speakers. We are excited about the innovations that we will be implementing, and about the BIOL 210 course content, which we are adapting to our present situation. Summary. * “To Feast by the Light of the Moon: tales of werewolves from antiquity. Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year. ca Day: WF Office Hours: W 11:00 – 1:00 PM, by appointment Time: 2:35 – 3:55 PM Office: My Bedroom Room: Online Teaching Assistants: Katrina Kosyk: katrina. 11 huh CUth5kAv • Indo LATIN European BCE roughly Inflated LING210 Syllabus W21. Aslıhan Gürbüzel Class Time: M W 2. Introduction to Communication Studies COMS 210, Fall 2020—COVID-19 Edition T/Th 14:35-15:55 (sort of) Location: many different places at once PHIL 210 was not a fun class by any means, but the concepts definitely have been useful (I took it in the fall term, am just finishing up my summer term for U0). ” A “Haunted History” lecture series sponsored by the Classical Studies Undergraduate Student Association (CSA), McGill University. shaikh@mail. ca) Corey Straub (corey Jun 5, 2021 · View LING210 Syllabus W21. Note: For a complete list and description of undergraduate sociology course offerings please login to Minerva to search for class schedules. on Minerva and realized that Poli 210 was not being counted towards my degree but rather as an elective MAMMALIAN PHYSIOLOGY 2: PHGY 210 PHGY 210 Section 001 - 2019 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:35 a. COMS 210 is an introductory course offered at McGill University focusing on communication studies. Intermediate Latin Professor Gladhill TR: 11:35-12:55 Office: 609 Leacock Office Hours: Tues 10:10-11:10 or by appt. View ENVB 210 - Syllabus. pdf from ENVB 210 at McGill University. Once you have selected your courses, please ensure to have them verified by your Advisor (ensure your program checklist is ready to go!). mcauley@mail. Syllabus COMS 210 Fall 2019. cherid@mail. Jennifer Elrick (jennifer. Meghan Clayards E-mail meghan. ca Office Hours: Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 p. pereira@mcgill. Department of Geography . Couture ANTH 210 Sabrina Patton ID: 260806634 Kish Annotated Bibliography November 22nd, 2018 Kish (modern day Tell al-Uhaimer), is an ancient city-state located in Sumer, Mesopotamia, lying between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Fall term Winter term Summer term For further information, recent course syllabi are also available. NOTE: All Bachelor of Science students must fulfill the Foundation Program requirements in order to graduate. l. ca Office: 311 Burnside Hall Office hours: by appointment [during first section of lectures] Teaching Assistants Abbey-Leigh Heilig Yumeng Zhang Lily Shebell Marian Schmid Email: geog210. CLAS Courses. smith@mail. ca Office: 311 Burnside Hall Office hours: by appointment Teaching Assistants Abbey-Leigh Heilig Yumeng Zhang Lily Shebell Marian Schmid Email: geog210. Wendy Pringle office hours: Arts W-230 Fridays 9:00-11:00 AM GENERAL INFORMATION credits: 3 TA info section # (CRN): 6231 Helen Hayes helen. ca Course Overview Jun 21, 2020 · 1 Phil 210: Introduction to Deductive Logic Summer 2020, McGill University SYLLABUS Lectures: Monday to Thursday 1:35–3:55 pm, via MyCourses and Zoom Instructor: Anaid Ochoa Echeverria (anaid. pdf from COMS 210 at McGill University. Montreal, QC, November, 22, 2017. ca Fariduddin Attar fariduddin. Please note that each course is not necessarily taught every year. ca Office hours: Professor Henderson will be available Wednesdays 09h35-10h25, by telephone or Feb 12, 2020 · 1 McGill University Department of Geography GEOG 210: Global Places and Peoples Winter 2020 INSTRUCTORS Asst. m. ca Office hours: T 15:00–17:00 Course description: This course will introduce students to a series of fundamental topics in speech science CLAS 210 at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. CLAS 210 - Spring The information on this page, in conjunction with the eCalendar links provided, will help you plan your first year course selection as a Foundation Program student in the Bachelor of Science. CLAS 210 - Introductory Latin 1. poole@mail. POL 210, Fall 2017 Political Science Research Methods Prof. ca) Office hours: Thursday 4:30-6:30pm Course Overview This course is an introduction to formal logic, comprising two deductive logical systems: Sentential Logic (SL) and (first-order LING210 Introduction to Speech Science Fall 2023 MWF 8:35-9:55 ENGM280 Instructor Andrei Munteanu andrei. gg/HDHvv58 Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for CLAS 302 at McGill University. champagne@mail. Note the sidebar under “Undergraduate fees” for specific costs based on the academic This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. ca Yvonne Chang yvonne. Dietlind Stolle Office: Telephone: Course Hours: Office Hours: TA info 3610 McTavish, Room 24-2 514-398-5280 Tue/Thu 2. docx. ca ISLA 210 MUSLIM WORLD Winter 2020 McGill University Instructor: Dr. Martin Sirois, Johnnatan Nascimento 1 MAMMALIAN PHYSIOLOGY 2: PHGY 210 Winter 2023 Section 001: Scheduled M, W & F: 8:35 to 9:25 AM – But only recorded lectures available Section 002: Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 12:35 to 1:25 PM – LEA 132 RUSS 210 Elementary Russian 1 (3 credits) Fall 2020 Instructor: Daniel W. , not on weekends or in the 1 . Marks, The Origins of the Modern World. to 10:25 a. rifai@mail. ca COURSE INFORMATION Title: HISP 210 Spanish Language Beginner Course Bookstore on McGill College. 132 & 232 Month Monday Wednesday Friday Topic/Professor (# of Lectures) •Final Paper: The final paper (6-8 pages, 2000-2500 words, double-spaced) is a take-home assignment that consists of short and long-answer questions. Russian Language Program Director: Dr. INSTRUCTORS . gg/HDHvv58 Hello, I'm trying to find used textbooks for the following classes: POLI 210 and HIST 213! For POLI 210, I need "Explorations: Conducting Empirical Research in Canadian Political Science" (4th edition) , and for HIST 213, I need "Robert J. ca Teaching Assistants Sabeena Shaikh sabeena. Classics : A course designed for beginners with little or no background in Latin. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want to join our discord, there's a link here: https://discord. therrien@mcgill. RUSS 210 Elementary Russian Language I Fall 2024 Instructor: Ekaterina Tutatina Office: 680 Sherbrooke West, office 345 E-mail: ekaterina. LING 210: Introduction to Speech Science Winter 2021 McGill University Time: M W 14:35-16:00 Location: Zoom link TBA on LING 210: Introduction to Speech Science Winter 2021 McGill University Time: M W 14:35-16:00 Location: Zoom link TBA on myCourses Instructor: Dr. McGill University Summer 2022 Paul Xu PHIL 210: Introduction to Deductive Logic Instructor: Paul Xu Class Location: RPHYS 118 (In-person lectures) Email: Ruigang. miltsov@mcgill. ca Office hours TBD or email for appointment Teaching Assistant Irene Smith TA email irene. RUSS 210 focuses on developing learner’s beginning proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing with primary emphasis on effective oral and written expression. Nicole C.