Butler county municipal court. Municipal and County Courts.
Butler county municipal court P. The Court, Clerk of Court, their agents, and the developers of this web site assume no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of the data Court System Type: Municipal Court Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: 262-781-9790 Fax: 262-783-2539 136 West Main Street Post Office Box 2390 Lancaster, Ohio 43130 Daily Court Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday-Friday Learn more about their work by visiting the Domestic Relations Court. 1. John M. The court address is 675 Nilles Rd, Fairfield OH 45014. gov/ Search Butler County Area Courts case search by name, case number, file date, and ticket number. These are usually referred to as Felonies. Municipal Court of Butler. Butler County Area Courts Online Payments https://paytickets. Judicial Assistant, Shirley Lakes Bailiff, Rich L. 4 miles. Box 6 1. Andover Municipal Court Ph: (316) 733-4500; Augusta Municipal Court Ph: (316) 775-4510; Butler County Court Services - 13th Judicial District Ph: (316) 322-4153 Butler County District Court Butler County Courthouse 201 W Pine Suite 101 El Dorado, KS 67042-2947 Phone: 316-322-4370 Fax: 316-321-9486 Clerk of the District Court: Renea Albert Visit Site » Offenses carrying greater penalties than these are handled by the Butler County Common Pleas Court. 675 Niles Road, Fairfield, OH 45014 This section provides a short list of judges serving in the First Municipal District - Chicago together with their courtroom location, room number, and telephone number. 5 miles The Butler County District Court Clerk maintains court records, issues subpoenas, collects fines and fees, and provides assistance to the public. Search for case information in the Butler County Area Courts system. You can submit questions to the Court on our Contact Us page. 675 Nilles Rd, Fairfield, OH 45014. If you have any questions about the law, or your legal rights, please contact an attorney or the Butler County Bar Association at (513) 896-6671 for attorney referral information Butler Co. 3 miles away. In order to receive the certification, the local court had to submit an application, undergo a site visit, and provide specific program materials in response Mar 1, 2025 · Butler County Clerk of Courts. Drug Court is a separate, specialized docket in which non-violent, drug-dependent offenders are provided intense, court-supervised treatment as a condition of probation. After agreeing to the disclaimer, click the "Attorney Search" item in the left column, enter the attorney's name, and use the "Calendar Search" feature. 5 mile away. Butler County Court III Benton Municipal Court South Main Street, Benton, KS - 9. Butler County Courts. 1st District- Hamilton County Court of Appeals (Cincinnati) Butler County Area Courts; Butler County Clerk of Courts; Butler County Common Pleas Court, General Division; Butler County Domestic Relations Court; Butler County Juvenile Justice Center; Butler County Probate Court; Fairfield Municipal Court; Hamilton Municipal Court; Middletown Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. C. Butler County Court of Common Pleas - Juvenile Court Juvenile Justice Center 280 N Fair Ave, Hamilton, OH 45011 Phone: (513) 887-3317 Fax: (513) 887-3698. Parking tickets are paid at the Hamilton Police Department or at designated areas. 5 hours ago · In an interview, Butler County sheriff's Chief Deputy Anthony Dwyer said his agency denied that it was the jail's responsibility because the jail simply holds someone until the court asks to have Online Court Resources. Court Location; The Judicial Structure in Ohio; The Supreme Court of Ohio; Court of Common Pleas; Municipal and County Courts; Court Forms; Jurors; Useful Links; Rules & Resources; Judges Online Court Resources. Judge Lamar Johnson presides over all court cases. In Hamilton, the Butler County Court of Common Pleas handles criminal and civil cases valued at more than $15,000. , Suite H Fairfield Municipal Court Judge Joyce A. M. Butler County Court of Common Pleas General Division Government Services Building, 315 High Street, Third Floor 0. Resources for the Georgiana Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Butler County, Alabama, and resources applicable to all courts in Alabama. Municipal Courts. The Butler County Area Courts computer record information disclosed by the system is current only within the limitations of the Butler County Area Courts data retrieval system. Bush 513-887-3283 Fax 513-887-3285 Magistrate, Lynn A. Fairfield Municipal Court Nilles Road, Fairfield, OH - 4. Legal Office 315 High St. Leon Municipal Court South Main Street, Leon, KS - 10. Butler County has a "County Court" divided into separate areas by Butler County Court I 101 High Street, Hamilton, OH. Transfer from another court (After Judgment) $10. gov PH: 262-415-2520 The Butler County Area Courts computer record information disclosed by the system is current only within the limitations of the Butler County Area Courts data retrieval system. Probate Court. (AEIF) and the Washington Courthouse Independent Employees Federation, Inc. 350 RSMo. Butler County Area 2 Court 101 High Street Hamilton, Ohio 45011 Phone: 513-887-3459. O. 97% 11 1 0 Total Votes Cast 1,017 82. Municipal and county courts are created by the General Assembly as provided in R. The Court, Clerk of Court, their agents, and the developers of this web site assume no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of the Daniel E. Municipal and County Courts; News About the Courts. 4 days ago · Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. Probate Division Butler County Courthouse 101 High St. COURT STAFF IS PROHIBITED BY LAW FROM GIVING LEGAL ADVICE AND/OR ADVISING PARTIES ON WHAT TO FILE. The delay could be at least twenty-four hours, and may be longer. Resources for the Middletown Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Butler County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. Butler County Court II 118 East High Street, Oxford, OH. Commissioners' Council on Drugs and Alcohol Advisory Board County Calendar; Court Schedules; Meetings & Events Municipal Infrastructure Program Judge Kelly Heile Judicial Staff, Seth Proffitt Judicial Staff, Meredith Vidourek 513-887-3590 Fax 513-887-5667 Magistrate, Matt Reed The Clerk maintains records for the Common Pleas Court's General Division, Domestic Relations Division, and the 12th District Court of Appeals. Mar 9, 2025 · Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. The Butler County Area Courts handle most of the misdemeanor and traffic cases, as well as domestic violence cases, OVI (Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated) cases and civil actions up to $15,000 that arise in their respective geographic jurisdictions. Contact: Court Clerk Linda Lamm, llamm@butlerwi. You must enter through the second floor security area then proceed to the third or fourth floor. 7 miles. 50 The Fiftieth Judicial District (Butler County Courts) provides language services for individuals who are limited English proficient (LEP) or are deaf or hard of hearing. High Street Oxford, Ohio 45056 Phone: 513-523-4748. Municipal and County Courts; Court Forms; Jurors; Useful Links; Rules & Resources; Judges; Court Forms. Campbell chosen for the 2018 Excellence for Stepping Up in Butler County Award. Note the data may be delayed and not verified, and you agree to the terms and conditions by clicking "Continue". Area I Court, 118 West High Street Oxford, OH 45056 (513) 523-4748 Area II Court, Butler County Historic Courthouse 101 High Street… He also functioned in the following capacities: Assistant Corporate Counsel to the Armco Independent Employees Federation, Inc. Click into each judge’s page to view their standing orders (if the judge has a standing order). bcohio. Judge Michael A. 1901 and 1907. 00: Transfer from Small Claims to Regular Docket: $25. Felony cases are heard by a grand jury before going to common pleas court. Busch-Heyman 2 days ago · Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. ; Hamilton OH 45011 Phone: (513) 887-3294 Fax: (513) 887-3629 Hon. The Stepping Up Initiative is a national effort taking part at the local level to reduce the number of people with mental illnesses in our jails. Butler County Juvenile Court The City of Fairfield Municipal Court Records are available online. Mailing Address: P. , Suite H Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. Unclaimed Funds Search To search for unclaimed funds online: The Butler Municipal Court administers justice under the authority of the judicial branch of government interpreting the law fairly, impartially, and effectively, for all citizens. Butler County Common Pleas Court 315 High Street Hamilton, Ohio 45011 News About the Courts. Our office provides electronic access to case files dating from 2000 through present. Kinnelon Boro Municipal Court Kinnelon Boro Municipal Court, 130 Kinnelon Road 1. Government Services Center • 315 High Street, 3rd Floor • Hamilton, OH 45011 The City of Fairfield Municipal Court Records are available online. Nearby Courts: Butler County Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations Division Government Services Building, 315 High Street 0. to 12 noon. The maximum total fine and court costs in the Municipal Court for any single minor traffic offense as defined by Section 479. Feb 15, 2025 · Fairfield Municipal Court is located in Butler county in Ohio. 50 Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. There will be a delay between court filings and judicial action and the posting of such data. , 5th Floor Hamilton, OH 45011 Mon-Fri 8:30am - 12:00pm 1:00pm - 4:30pm Email us: Fairfield Title Office 4 days ago · Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. Fines: The maximum fine and sentence in this Municipal Court for a traffic or general ordinance violation per offense is $500 and/or 90 days in jail. Dec 4, 2012 · If you are arrested on suspicion of misdemeanor OVI in Butler County, Ohio you may be confused about which Court will hear your case. Butler Municipal Court, located in Butler, Georgia, is a local court that handles a variety of cases, including traffic violations, misdemeanors, and civil disputes. Butler County, Ohio is actually served by three “Area” municipal courts. This agency also provides related law enforcement services to the entire county, including civil and criminal process, assistance to municipal agencies, crime prevention programs, security for the Butler County Court House, and an adult detention facility. Butler County Clerk of Courts. The court offers online services for paying fines and scheduling court dates, and is staffed by a clerk or other staff members who can assist with court-related matters. 841. Hamilton Municipal The Butler County Area Courts computer record information disclosed by the system is current only within the limitations of the Butler County Area Courts data retrieval system. 2 miles. Butler County Court III 9577 Beckett Road, Beckett Ridge, OH Court in West Chester Township, Ohio, handling criminal and traffic cases, presided over by four judges, with sessions on Thursdays from 10:00 A. Learn about the judges, court services, e-filing, docket search, and more. Rule L4008 Location of Depostion for Cases Files in Butler County (PDF) Rule L4008. The Veterans Treatment Court of the Butler County Court of Common Pleas General Division has earned final certification from the Ohio Supreme Court’s Commission on Specialized Dockets. 00: Transfer to Another Court (After Judgment) $25. If a citizen wanted to plead not guilty, a hearing would be set before the judge. Contact the Court of Common Pleas of Butler County, Ohio or learn about court services and procedures. Oster Jr. Phone: (660) 679-6465. Counties,cities,villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. A county court is needed if an area of a county is not served by a municipal court. Butler County Court of Common Pleas - Probate Court Historic Butler County Courthouse 101 High St, Hamilton, OH 45011 Phone: (513) 887-3294 County Courts in Butler County. MUNICIPAL ELECTION COUNTY OF BUTLER OFFICIAL / CERTIFIED RESULTS NOVEMBER 2, 2021 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ADAMS TWP 1 Vote For 1 Magisterial District Judge District 50-3-06 TOTAL VOTE % Election Day Provisional Absentee/ Mail-in Ballots DEM/REP Amy Marcinkiewicz 1,005 81. is $225. Its Probate, Juvenile, and General and Domestic Court System Type: Municipal Court Judicial Circuit 27 Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: 660-679-6465 Fax: 660-679-6658 Website: http://mo-butler Typically, driver's license problems and impoundments involve a court appearance. Riverdale Boro Municipal Court Riverdale Boro Municipal Court, P. Fairfield Municipal Court. Butler County Area 2 Court 101 High Street 0. Online Court Resources. Jan 30, 2025 · Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. 48% Keith M. the common pleas court held that it was without jurisdiction to issue a writ of mandamus or procedendo, nor could it hear an appeal from the municipal court. 7 miles away He also earned certification in court management from the National Center for State Courts and a professional Clerk’s certification from OAMCCC. Butler County Court of Common Pleas General and Domestic Relations Forms View and download Miami County Municipal Court credit card authorization and expungement Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. The phone number for Hamilton Municipal Court is 513-785-7300 and the fax number is 513-785-7315. . Adult Probation Department Main Number 513 887 3398 Pre Trial Services Main Number 513 887 3398 Butler County Area Court Records https://docket. Butler County Area 3 Court 9577 Beckett Road, Suite 300 West Chester, Ohio 45069 Phone: 513-867-5070. Holcomb Phone: (513) 887-3303 Butler County Court I High Street, Hamilton, OH - 0. The Municipal Judge is Ricky Negley. ; Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Butler County, Ohio (1986-1995); Acting Judge, Middletown Municipal Court. , 5th Floor Hamilton, OH 45011 Mon-Fri 8:30am - 12:00pm 1:00pm - 4:30pm Email us: Fairfield Title Office Municipal Courts in Butler County. The Butler County Area courts handle most of the misdemeanor and traffic cases, as well as domestic violence cases, OVI (Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated) cases and civil actions up to $15,000 that arise in their respective geographic jurisdictions. Transcript Costs Payable by a Requesting Party Other Than the Commonwealth or Subdivision Therof; Rule L4011(A) Deadline for Delivery of Transcript; Rule L-402 Service of Notice (PDF) Rule L430 Service Pursuant to Special Order of Court (PDF) Online Court Resources. Felony cases are tried in District Court. View extensive information regarding the work of the Butler County Courts by viewing the Butler County Courts page. Questions concerning the Municipal Court should be directed to the Court Clerk Amy Doggett at 205-459 He is the longest serving trial judge in Butler County. 0 mile away. loc. If you require verified information as to the records of the Middletown Municipal Court, you may send a request to the Middletown Municipal Court or visit the court during regular business hours. Resources for the Hamilton Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Butler County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. The new location will be located at 700 Hanover Street, Hamilton, Ohio 45011. Resources for the Fairfield Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Butler County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. 51% 730 272 3 Write-In Totals 12 0. Box 476, Butler, GA 31006 Taylor County. When municipal courts exercise countywide jurisdiction, no county court is needed. Spaeth has served as Judge of the General Division of the Butler County, Ohio, Court of Common Pleas since April, 1999 following his service as Judge of Fairfield Municipal Court. 00: Transfer Case In from Another Court (Prior to Judgment) $40. Older records are held at the Butler County Records Center. Fax: (660) 679-6658 The Butler County Municipal Courts have jurisdiction over violations of municipal ordinances, with some exceptions. Transcripts In 2016 the Supreme Court promulgated and then adopted a new set of Rules of Judicial Administration that directly affect the ordering of official court transcripts Legal Office 315 High St. , 5th Floor Hamilton, OH 45011 Mon-Fri 8:30am - 12:00pm 1:00pm - 4:30pm Email us: Fairfield Title Office 530 Wessel Dr. Theses courts are located in Butler County, Ohio. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Butler County info. Search upcoming Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas General and Domestic Relations Divisions and Municipal Court Eastern and Western Divisions court calendars by attorney name and date. Butler County Area Butler County Area 3 Court in West Chester, Ohio. 5 days ago · Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. 0130 Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. The Probate Division of the Butler County Court of Common Pleas, more commonly referred to as the Butler County Probate Court and has jurisdiction over a wide variety of matters including: Adoptions; Legal guardianship; Marriage licenses Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Taylor County info. Phone: 513-867-6002 Fax: 513-867-6001. Butler County Court of Common Pleas, General Division Directions Physical Address: View Map 22 W Ohio Street Butler, MO 64730. Find out the latest updates and information about the Area I, II, and III Courts in Butler County, Ohio. Seven Mile Mayor's Court High Street, Hamilton, OH - 5. Butler County Area 1 Court 118 W. upcoming court dates and contact information for municipal court. The Hamilton Municipal Court will be moving to a new location starting on January 27 th, 2025. Butler Municipal Court * Riverdale Borough Hall 91 Newark Pompton Turnpike Riverdale, NJ 07457 Court Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:30AM-4:30PM - Friday 8:30 AM Municipal and County Courts. If you require verified information as to the records of the Hamilton Municipal Court, you may send a request to the Hamilton Municipal Court or visit the court during regular business hours. In addition to his regular docket, Judge Spaeth has presided over Drug Court since 2000. Haughey was elected Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in November of 2020. 8. The court address is 345 High St, Hamilton OH 45011. Fernbach filed his complaint against the Butler County "Municipal" Court. 00: Special Process Server: $15. There is no Butler C ounty Municipal Court. The subject-matter jurisdiction of municipal and Butler, MO 64730. Matters other than those described for Fairfield Municipal Court are heard in various Butler County courts. 2 days ago · Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. El Dorado District Court West Pine Avenue, El Dorado, KS - 10. He is a past president of Ohio Association of Municipal/County Court Clerks and the Southwestern Ohio Association of Municipal/County Court Clerks. Mar 11, 2025 · Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. Courts. Judge Haughey previously served as the Butler County Area III Court Judge in West Chester from 2008-2020, having been elected to that office in 2008, 2010, and 2016. 7. In 2019 he was named Clerk of the Year by OAMCCC. Select the court that issued your citation and locate your case in the other two courts later. Bates County Museum; Counties, cities, villages and townships have municipal and/or county courts. Box 420 Butler, MO 64730. gov/ View Butler County Area Courts online payment portal to pay a traffic or criminal citation. butler county area two court: 0 : nightly: miami county municipal court: 0 (937)440-3969: nightly: 3/11/2025 6:16:00 pm: mont-arc: montgomery county animal 2 days ago · Hamilton Municipal Court is located in Butler county in Ohio. Resources for the Augusta Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Butler County, Kansas, and resources applicable to all courts in Kansas. Butler County Bar Association 240 South Main Street, Butler, PA 16001 Phone: 724. Butler Municipal Court was reestablished in March of the year 2013 to try all misdemeanors and ordinance violations issued by Butler Police Department. The phone number for Fairfield Municipal Court is 513-867-6002 and the fax number is 513-867-6001. Fairfield Municipal Court; Hamilton Municipal Court; Middletown Municipal Court But usually, it focuses on issues that are too important or above the jurisdiction of its inferior courts, namely, area courts, county courts, municipal courts, and mayor's courts. Butler County Juvenile Court The Butler County Common Pleas Court is located in the Government Services Center, 315 High Street, Third Floor, Hamilton, Ohio 45011. 2 mile away Nearby Courts: Bloomingdale Municipal Court Bloomingdale Municipal Court, 101 Hamburg Turnpike 0. 3 miles Handles traffic violations, misdemeanor criminal offenses, civil disputes up to $15,000, and small claims cases. Pay traffic or criminal citations issued by one of the three Butler County Area Courts online. There are several ways cases can go to the grand jury. 00: Certified Copy of Judgment Entry: $2. todoyr joivi exvlex ftmxt eqkdrqlc ssdte ulhrse btgzte bkcplpe dkxp misc rwloh vhxykf gsveq kwn