Doing nothing reddit. Give yourself a wake time and a sleep time.
- Doing nothing reddit Sometimes ADHD just sucks because it takes time from you. This sub does not support Reddit's abrupt and poorly handled API changes, nor their strong-arm tactics in forcing subs to re-open following the protest which included over 5000 subreddits that went dark. If I am doing nothing interesting, I don't have energy. Few bullet points, -> I often spend unnecessary amounts of time just laying in bed. "Doing nothing" is actually the majority of your energy use. Bring a book/magazine to read during office hours when you have nothing to do. ADMIN MOD I’m happy doing nothing and struggle to find motivation to do other things . I guess nothing really gives me enough stimulus sometimes so I have no motivation to do anything. Literally enjoy your summer doing nothing or the bare minimum or making plans. I’d rather either make shit money doing something I like, or make good money doing something I don’t like, like before, but right now I have worst of both worlds, so I’d like to transition back closer to where I was, but I don’t have any experience with actual tech related positions. There isn't a right or wrong way to enjoy your time. That China's own self-improvement efforts is aided by self-imposed decline of its competitors is only one factor among many for the changing world. When I finally went to college at age 19 I opened up, started finally doing things everyone told me to enjoy earlier in life like drinking, smoking weed and having sex. Scoring 1/10 on a test, is better than 0/10, even if your day/life goes to shit, doing 1 thing and making sure that goes right is still better than having all that crap happen and then not doing that thing and often if you think like this, you can get far away from 1, into 2 then to 3 then to 4 etc The friendlier part of Reddit. I hate when I get to the end of the day and realize I have done nothing because that was all my brain wanted to do. It’s all just “google this and google that. I wake up tired, play video games or nap, and then repeat. No matter how many productive activities I cram in my day or how well I structure my time, I always succumb to the ever lingering desire to waste time on activities that don't add value to my life. Put in the least amount of work for the most reward. Routine is very very powerful. It doesn't matter how good it is. Thinking about your idea of confining oneself to a choice of either taking productive action or doing nothing, two kinds of app occur to me as being possibly helpful: something that prevents access to useless or purely entertaining apps; and/or something like a kanban board that reminds the user what their current focus should be. It's very unpredictable. Suddenly even washing the dishes will seem a little more appealing, or a hobby you've been wanting to do. I'd stress out about not doing my work and still manage to watch 10 movies without doing anything at all. and i loveeee going to museums You're doing "nothing" like me, yet you're judging me when I say I'm doing "nothing"? Yes, I'm 31 and play video games. It's about being stimulated, challenged, an opportunity to increase skills and knowledge, desire to do good or help others, etc If your job is ONLY for a paycheck, and nothing more, you probably should find a new job. Italian has a phrase: "La dolce far niente" (the Its a funny meme and image, but couldn't be further removed from the truth. Give yourself a wake time and a sleep time. It's a break you need to be productive tomorrow You just do what is being done through you at every moment. Time management is a big one. It’s a deliberate act of self-preservation and mental restoration. But at the same time I know logically that If I do just stay in bed ALL day long and do nothing I will end up feeling sad at the end of the day. If genetics really is the cause, then I should have had my acne gone around the same time my dad did or had clear skin like my mom. Sit in a chair and do NOTHING. One thing that's helped me is to embrace how fucked everything was and is. Um yes if the choices are do nothing or get a passing D you do the work for the D. By anything I mean literally nothing - no books, no TV, no conversations. You need your thoughts to flow when they want to flow. Google it or the reddit search bar on the top right How much do you get in an hour? It depends. In the past 3 days my laptop (ASUS K56CM) has been insanely hot all the time, even when nothing is happening and all that is open is the desktop and my fans are always running at full speed. God a massive paper due, just come up with a title. It’s very calming and I like that. The reason it works is because doing nothing is really boring. It cost me my life. On one hand, I certainly do feel like I’m wasting my life on meaningless things, and I know that I want to do so much more. But now, I waste 9 hours of my day, sitting at my cubicle, listening to obnoxious people near me. My therapist's brother was a car salesman, making a boatload of money (probably more than you make). Every day I log on and do about an hour of daily tasks. If you need to think, you'll think. I've had a really bad YouTube addiction for the last 13 years since I was six, so I just spend all of my time in bed doing nothing but watching YouTube. You get a job to use your skills and when you don't feel productive it also just eats at your self worth if you don't have anything else outside of work to improve it. I just can't seem to make myself start the game if I know I'd be playing alone. Like my brain's goal is always to do less and I am constantly fighting that urge. Check out the sidebar for intro guides. Post any When I say "nothing", I really mean nothing. Maybe you'll make some friends in the process. Ask the question that’ll puss you of NOW and then take that anger out NOW. According to Wikipedia, "skeletal muscle" (think of this as the muscle you use on purpose, as opposed to your heart and digestive muscles) only accounts for 18% of your This is for people who are doing cognitively challenging work. That's what my business mentor is training me to do. People want to feel productive or have some structure. The most amazing place on reddit! A Doing nothing, just sitting with myself without distractions, has become one of my, if not the most valuable activity in my life. " I've come to realize that this is totally me. Travel doesn't have to be doing as many things as possible for days on end. I hate free weekends bcs they are so draining :( i never get to plan something and end up doing nothing. He is also licking his genitals a lot. Reply reply Do you mean doing nothing figuratively or literally? Figuratively: if you watched youtube for two hours, you "did nothing", but what you actually did was watch youtube. Also, I know the feel of doing nothing. Skin care is a pretty big deal, and we love subs like /r/SkinCareAddiction I spend 12-hour shifts doing nothing in a closed office at night. My sleep schedule is so terrible due to my gaming hours. I don't want to die, even You aren't on your feet doing things but you're thinking about things that are stressing you out, depends on what you mean by doing nothing). If you know your going to do nothing, just do a little. The more I read your posts about getting paid nothing and being asked to work extra the more it makes me angry about the situation I found myself in where I was being paid to do nothing. Not being productive doesn't mean you're not doing anything. Make sure to move and stretch too. There must be some chemical release that correspond to this. Whenever I see a deficiency, I just write it down and work on it. I have nothing to look forward to in the next day. Instead, I keep a running list of things that I think could be improved. Yeah if possible I would try getting characters on stages from their home series, though I did prioritize getting a new stage over a thematic stage if I couldn't get a character on a remaining unused thematic stage (for example I couldn't get If you've been on Wellbutrin for a year and it's doing nothing, I do think you should explore other medication options if you feel like the medication would be helpful. Expand user menu Open settings menu. Eventually you'll get bored and want some form of stimulation. Don't get stuck on them, basically don't get invested emotionally. I don't think it is nice to do your schoolwork in the office. I feel a lot of anxiety when I'm not being productive. I'm a bit worried having a sedentary life again after years of depression, that's why being productive occupies my mind and got used to it to the point I constantly think if there any else I could do. In a true meritocracy or whatever capitalists wanna call it, you'd get paid millions for pointing this out. I have tried to be productive in the past and do good habits and cut out bad ones but I always seem to fall back into my old lifestyle. Literally: if you sat in a chair or lay down in bed, neither ruminating nor daydreaming, but also not sleeping nor doing a meditation practice, you actually "did nothing". You do what you need to do to get your life in order. It makes the work seem fun in comparison. I do anything I can convince myself to do. Midway through reddit scrolling, I suddenly realize the water is ice cold and I haven't even The company pays you to be available for the times they really need you. It doesn’t matter who hears what. 5 minutes cleaning your living area, or 5 minutes getting read for the next day, or 5 minutes writing in a journal about anything and everything (can't recommend this enough). The word "do" is a verb that implies a controller. I just love the comfort of being in my bed and my room, and knowing I have no immediate responsibilities to attend to until tomorrow morning. I feel more motivated, clear, content, and calm, while getting to know myself more and increasing my self-awareness. im browsing reddit rn I also took a front desk job at the college, same deal, worked on HW and other things the whole time. Fuck you. Something is nearly always better than nothing Reply reply IAmZeroDegreesKelvin • • The Reddit LSAT Forum. So when you do things for instant gratification, you're rewarding yourself for doing nothing. For the last 4 years, I've spent most of my time in bed doing literally nothing at all. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the test required to get into an ABA law school. She would rather go somewhere and do nothing, drink, sit by the pool, etc but to me that is a waste. Take your ego away and keep going. In many ways, this drains my energy and keeps me from doing other, more important things. I legitimately love working there except for the fact that I have almost nothing to do. My days feel empty and boring. You have to learn to enjoy the present, happiness is a choice, spend your days doing things you like to do. Now if you somehow manage to do it, write down what you could have done in that time. On the other hand, my therapist always tries to convince me that I’m normal, that most people don’t do a lot, and that it’s okay to be easy on myself. For information/updates, Google When im on my phone or doing something else I cant hear anything people are saying to me or understand what they're saying. These are your somethings. I don't have all the answers, working on finding them for myself and what works for me, but thought it might help to know you're not alone in feeling like that. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I'm just waiting for that cycle I get that doing nothing for long stretches of time when you have things you want to get done is frustrating, but aside from that there is nothing inherently morally wrong with doing nothing. Your post might also be blocked by a Reddit setting called "Crowd Control," so if you think it complies with our subreddit rules but it appears to be blocked, please message the mods. I'm really good at loafing around even when things need to be done. I stay awake all night, go over to their house once they leave for work, make a shit ton of food, eat it while watching a movie and fall asleep. Members Online • Old_Distribution8547 In case other programs need that ram, windows will free it up. Happen to one of my ex-colleagues before. I’m practically going insane, and I asked the supervisor if he had anything at all to do for me today and he said he’d get back to me and he was gone on meetings all day. The moral: Do something that you'd do for free. The problem is ?: needs the same type on both sides of the : (or at least something that is implicitly convertible to the same type). GPU utilization jumps to 20-40% while doing nothing . The friendlier part of Reddit. Most days I wake up late and spend all day on the internet mindlessly scrolling. That way, even if you then stop and do nothing for the rest of the day, you’ve still got that one goal under your belt, and you’ll probably find it spurs you on to take on another goal anyway. Meet your goals and improve your life, reddit style! Members Online [Advice] How doing NOTHING is changing my life In my experience, "uninteresting-ness" saps energy. Whatever satisfaction you get from messaging women on Facebook and wiggling your dick on Reddit will fade with time. Or check it out in the app stores three or six or nine weeks later, after doing nothing, that student tracks me down and says they aren't really It’s reddit, if you want to brag you can just brag. All top-line posts must be based on your personal meditation Learn a new language,if you play video games talk to new people,go to museums by yourself or just take yourself out,get a job if you want to,make friends from your city(don’t know ab meeting up bc corona),start a hobby or learn a new skill,if you are shy follow someone from your class on insta/social media (where i’m from people usually do I feel like I'm constantly trying to keep myself occupied. I understand that this is pretty much procrastination. You could maybe have some class that wraps a r/Garmin is the community to discuss and share everything and anything related to Garmin. A colleague told me that he never met someone who enjoys doing nothing on weekends. Congrats tho, you win the internet points and you sure showed me how embarrassing it is to be nice. There isn't anything wrong with you. It was glorious. Some random developer would get paid 3x your salary to do the same thing. Every single day feels the same, everything stays the same, it’s only time that goes on and I’m just stuck in one place, doing nothing interesting in my life. 6M subscribers in the 30PlusSkinCare community. It's exactly that you are wasting your time I can’t really do anything on my computer since my supervisor is right next to me plus everybody can see what I’m doing at all times since they’re short cubicles. You may be trying to "construct" your motivations, and if you are, that could be the source of your problem. But sitting in public and doing 'nothing at all' does indeed seem a but peculiar. The unofficial but officially recognized Reddit community discussing the latest Nah, I also feel it, especially these days that even If I want to rest or do nothing at all, it doesn't feel like it's worth spending your time like that. He is perfectly fine having people do nothing basically. I'm busy. I've noticed that the gpu utilization sets at 0-2% most of the times, then it spikes out of the blue to 20-40%, then after a second it gets back to 0-2%. I love doing nothing . Honestly, if I wanted to, I could do nothing all day every day until one of those emails comes in. ), and have set a rule that once a day, before midnight, I need to pick one stream and do at least something to do with that stream. don’t ever confuse what you see on an anonymous Internet forum with real life, especially on Reddit. 2 multiplication factor since it is assumed even if you are sedentary, you still will be moving around in day to day life, just not specifically exercising. I do need my alone time, and I'm usually much happier reading or writing or doing my solo hobbies by myself, at home. When you do nothing, and I mean completely nothing other than just sitting there, you receive a couple of benefits: You take on the role of the observer, neutrally perceiving your surroundings Doing nothing, just sitting with myself without distractions, has become one of my, if not the most valuable activity in my life. that there's an issue that might be slowing you down, that you're trying to both resolve and work around the issue yourself, and what they can do to resolve the issue for you if necessary (like tell Tasha to talk So far I have settled on, moving to a different city on my own. Always going out and wanting to be around people. Break up the large overwhelming task into a bunch of little tasks. I’m going to preface this by saying I used to really struggle with this too. Doing nothing at your job is really not the paradise it sounds like. Not even think. Routine is so powerful that you might not work out even if you have a home gym, time, and energy, if you haven't endeavored to make it part of your routine. There is NOTHING wrong at all with not having plans. You could attend online classes at work or do your homework at work. What's interesting to me is that even trust fund babies work because doing nothing all day every day can be quite boring and depressing. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; Pokimane; Halo Infinite; Call of Duty: Warzone; Anyone feel tired from doing nothing and then when youre in bed you feel motivated so you tell yourself youll do something tomorrow but you end up doing nothing I thought my acne was due to my dads genes but now that I’m 30 still with acne (and progressively worst now) I’m thinking it’s products. Laptop overheating while doing absolutely nothing . If you can put in an earbud, Id recommend music or a podcast if it doesnt distract you. You will get reprimanded if you try to go over to someone else's area and learn something new. But I've found out that when I'm OVERLY productive for a long while, I savor the fuck out of those totally nothing days. I [27F] recently read something that said "I love doing nothingso please don't ask me last minute to do something so that I'll have to change my plans of doing nothing. All jokes aside, I do feel the same way. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. For some people work is not just a simple transaction of your time for money. -> When I'm trying to work, I'll often open non-work related websites and then instantly close them. Don't let this new "hustle culture" make you feel as though doing nothing is unproductive. If I do it too often, then it makes me depressed, and tired, and feel like I'm a useless and lazy person. 1. And so there often isn’t much of a crunch. Working all the time makes you have to do nothing from time to time. No matter what you do you will make mistakes and most likely not like the end product. It could go on for weeks at a time before I could do something productive, time just passing day in and day out without me even really noticing because I was just soothing my ADHD with hyper-stimulating things on my phone or laptop that never I have spent last 4. Fun fact. I lost the ability to continue my schooling, the best relationship I ever could have hoped for, jobs, my social skills, years of memories, hindered my abilities to pursue my dreams, and lastly all the days I couldn't do much besides lay around doing nothing worthwhile. Try not to compare yourself to others. If my experience serves as a guide, it is almost certainly best that you do nothing and let people get along with their business and simply collect your check. You are told to 'look busy'. Reddit . Overall the company is great, progressive policies, great people, great pay, non-toxic. China did not "do nothing, win". I personally don't like that. Just 1 minute then your done with that. I also had a job as a valet at a dealer, there was more to do than expected, but mainly just on my phone Some time ago, at work, my colleagues had named the ''nothing weekends'' after my name. That said, I regularly see a certain person around town, sat at a few select establishments, and the way he sits, staring, is unnerving. With work it can be as simple as applying to one job online, or going out for hours applying in-person. Note: Reddit is dying due to terrible leadership from CEO /u/spez. IDK if its the right thing to do but I know at the end of the day, it's me doing something, which is more than the nothing I am/have been doing the past 5 years. "You're on Reddit all day, so you don't need to be giving work advice. I’m 19 and have never been employed. Basically, i lived a life of doing video games, watching something when doing nothing to the point of i'll endlessly look for an activity while still doing something. Question I've got a new GPU (RTX 3060) and can't keep my eye off Nvidia's performance overlay. Yesterday I literally cooked dinner and read all day. Like I literally waste time just thinking lol. Reply reply When I don’t look at reddit I do watch the videos fully but my mind goes blank sometimes. for doing nothing, it's fair enough ;) Plus, with time , the pay increases. I did nothing at my summer job near the end and it DROVE ME INSANE. Got a lot of chores to do, just do your bed. i read a lot of random articles to improve my knowledge base (if i was the type of person to go to a trivia night i know i’d kill it). Except you aren't allowed to sit still or stay mobile. With enough reports, the reddit algorithm The Do Nothing technique by Shinzen Young has two sentences: Let whatever happens happen. Try having nothing instead. Eventually I'll write down something that This i do but i want to be at peace doing nothing. reReddit: Top posts of July 29, 2017. It doesn't happen often, but somedays I'll wake up and the whole day will go by and I'll still be in bed. Exercise when you can too ( I really need to) NO, it's a ZERO, NO you can't make up the grade. However, that would drive me crazy. I dont have any friends in my new location and I am currently unemployed. Doing something is always better than doing nothing. Even your favorite food. Doing one thing, even if apparently it won't make much difference is still better than doing nothing. As soon as you're aware of an intention to control your attention, drop that intention. Actually it is your brain programming that leads your body to act/not act in certain ways in certain circumstances. 40-50% usage when doing nothing is normal. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. I'm reasonably well compensated at roughly 60k, but I have nothing to do in all my free time and, as a result, have to find things to occupy myself. But do it NOW. Even though I am incredibly scared, I think I need the change of scenery and hoping that it'll help me leave my shell. Doing nothing and just existing in a new place is I used to do pretty much nothing in my free time and it killed my passion for anything, I had to work get back even some small preferences like food tastes etc. Honestly reddit might be more to blame than you might think. Others may have said it, but planning things like hobbies and cool things to do on your free day helps making them and not wasting your day scrolling. The “normal” working 5 days a week and spending my weekend doing absolutely nothing. I have been severely depressed since 2018 and each year it gets worse. I was doing physical/mental work on 10-hour shifts. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice. But in Taoism, doing nothing is not bad, it is good. Yeah I personally see the fact that My ideal day off is literally doing nothing as a very bad thing. true. If they can't get to you right away, you'll be doing something. (Exhibit A: me being on Reddit during my shift because I have nothing to work on atm) Now I have a great job as an apps engineer overseeing a soon to be released chip for our biggest customer. ) It's boring af, but I get paid just enough where it would be stupid to quit and have to actually work. Now, are you willing to make sacrifices to change your behavior? Why do you think you wake up 30 minutes before class? Do you stay up late or have sleeping problems? I'd do anything to break this cycle. that you can manage yourself if they're not micro managing you. school-related stuff, work), but actually something completely unrelated. I have to pay attention a little, and we go on/off the record, and set up is sweaty, but its like an hour of doing nothing. They should take the cost of hiring 3 employees to do this job for 10 years and give that to you cause you saved them like 3x that over the course of the entire company A reddit dedicated to the profession of Computer System Administration. When 'doing nothing' is the expected alternative, it's simply a power dynamic. Doing nothing half the day and then just emailing companies to come and replace things for you. Once you’ve done it, tick it off your list and be proud. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. When they did nothing on a weekend they were saying ''i had a [my name] weekend''. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. Then I get up and set my watch timer for 1 min. I changed companies and got better. I am late to every single thing. After 3 days of practice, I found that the difference between do-nothing meditation and breath-based meditation lies in, do-nothing meditation also requires one recognize the thoughts and feelings, but instead of trying to stop them or ignore them, just being watching and curious about what they gonna do and where they'd go. e. I still do nothing 85% of the time since Security, especially overnight or weekend security, can be "do nothing" jobs pretty often. My mom has done the same exact thing for the last 30 years, and it scares me that I'm going to turn into her. Some people need a little more time to space out, and your brain is actually very active when you do this (look up “default mode network”). There’s also the existential angst of wasting your life Then always be doing something! It's awesome to do stuff. I feel more motivated, clear, content, and calm, while getting to The benefits of doing nothing | An overactive 'life drive' endlessly seeks expansion, inevitably leads to burnout, and drains us of the energy needed to truly progress. I could lay in bed and just sleep all day long if I could. If your manager is too busy, you can message your co-workers to let them know you got nothing to do and ask if there's anything you can help. Also: you were hired as a "consultant". Either way, they spend all day browsing reddit or playing video games instead of putting forward a solid effort into growing their skillset. . 24 votes, 84 comments. Doing nothing is easier than playing/talking. You’ve got this! Reply reply vibroshniy • This is exactly what I felt like yesterday even though I managed to do everything I’d wanted to it got Hi everyone. To say that is to ignore all of China's gargantuan efforts and sacrifices this past century. You shouldn't feel like you have to do something because it's useful, or because everyone else is doing it, or because society says it's a good thing. I'm a college student and at the start of every break I write a list of things I want to do. It depends if the tasks are rubbish or well written. i have done absolutely nothing, all i did was be unproductive, watch Netflix, youtube and stayed in my room all day. When you step away from constant busyness, you allow Beware of all-or-nothing thinking. It has to be raw. This subreddit is an unofficial, non-affiliated community, run by the users, to embrace and have conversation about the products we love! I do this all the time. Gaming. I’m not on any retinols or retinoids and so when I say “actives” it’s really just a SA that I wash off a few times a week. The Do Nothing technique is another way of developing a certain type of 🤔 this is a good job to say do some web training or attend grad school with your free time. Doing Nothing . i have wasted soooo much time, these last two years my depression has hit a all-time low. I worked at Barclays for awhile and talk about a do nothing job. So many possibilities 🤣 This is what the OP should be doing for sure. But a max of 70 is nothing compared to most gaming laptops. Even if it’s just scheduling Reddit breaks. This is the time when you disengage your mind from everything so that it is not doing anything. I thought there was something wrong with me in terms of life events but turns out it’s how my brain works. Reply reply Please seek help soon. Real. I think this is a fact about me that I just can't deny. I tend to do it anytime I get time for it. Not only are the working class propping up the fortunes the ultra rich, but they're also allowing their lackeys to employ cadres of white collar workers that don't actually do anything. But I mean REALLY nothingnot playing on your phone, or idly watching Youtube or TV or whatever. I got three different pills and a prescription for wet food, so yeah pretty similar Let yourself do nothing. I deleted all of my social media off of my phone trying to stop the cycle but left Reddit, since I didn’t use it much. Reddit I try to do in short bursts. Is there anyway to fix that? I installed simulation lag fix and simulation unclogger too. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. It sets the stage for you or your ego being the conductor of the experience which can't work. Just like doing nothing can be your routine, doing tons of stuff can be your routine. 15 votes, 23 comments. If you do get a I'm a 23 year old university student that is just good at nothing. 5 years of my life doing nothing, but timepass. But even on those 'L' days, I allow myself to do nothing with a personal promise to spend 5 minutes, timed on my phone doing something that is productive, but usually something that is simple. ” While I won’t lie I am actually learning new stuff, I just think it’s really important for me to get technical experience as this is a field I want to work in. If I do start to take a few steps in the right direction I never keep it up. But if you're looking for an instant fix, I don't think that exists for something so complex. If you do nothing it means only that after 14 billion years of Universe spinning it came exactly to this moment where you do nothing. But at least in the United States we still haven't shaken off this culture where staying until 10pm (even My ragdoll who is about 8 years old keeps going in and out of the litter box but nothing happens. The list is always super long because I want to catch up on things I couldn't do during the semester -- for example, I want to make a new portfolio ( I'm an architecture student), make a movie, paint or create art, practice piano, learn jazz piano, learn guitar, compose, make a movie, work out etc. One of my favorite things to do is lay in bed while eating a snack and spacing out. No skills, no talents. I suppose the trade off is you are getting paid to do nothing. Now I’m on it all the time; I I get depressed when I have nothing to do and don't like who I am when I get like that so I'm trying to work harder to avoid all that. BUT- sometimes I just have really good skin when doing nothing and it just is so strange. This isn't really related to the tweet, the tweet was humorous. You don't get to pretend like you're trying. Sometimes I can make 2-3 dollars an hour, sometimes it's a few cents for the whole day. He does and asks around for help. As soon when I get home and I am extremelly tired, grumpy and depressed because of so much shit. Use some of your extra time to do special "20%" work to help your organization in some way. Just stay at a place and do nothing. I am a 22F, recent college graduate and just lost at what I am doing in life. This post focuses on the instructions for Do Nothing meditation and the insights that may arise as a consequence of this practice. Now future life seems like full of struggle, depression and unhappiness. I had no idea this was a thing. It used to be just YouTube so I deleted it off my phone but I just replaced it with Reddit. Usually the closest thing I get to doing nothing else while listening to music is going on a walk or sitting down on a park bench. You actually do have to do things to get your body started in a day, if you aren't active you will stay in your in-bed, going to sleep, or just woke up mode. I'm about to loose my job, and still i cant get myself to do it. Doing that will ensure your time still gets used well without just all going down the drain and will help prevent some of the antsy feelings you get when you’re not busy enough Reply reply more replies More replies More replies. I am a practicioner, who works for learningand when I do not have anything work-related to do I usually write in my final university report for my graduation job, or in my virtual blog/diarywhile also keep reading about my work career (human resources) about new techniques and strategies on how to improve human well-being and productivity at work. In modernity sometimes doing nothing is considered bad. While I certainly had fun for a bit, now at 21, everyone is acting like the party is over and ready to grow up and turn into an adult having gotten the partying and rebellion out of their system as teenagers. Non-Political This is a rant!!!!! of it, or your life spirals. “Okay I can easily do 1 minute if laundry. We “hate on the kids” (aka: describe the real So I know how you feel, but also, I’m pretty sure there really isn’t much more to life. He told me I have endogenous depression which has nothing to do with anything particular happening around us such as trauma but just how the brain behaves. Stop when you feel like. I've always had this mindset that I can't enjoy something unless I'm good at it, or I just can't enjoy Nothing—a timer that tracks your intentional choice to do nothing. "They aren't doing what I'm doing, they must be mad!!". With any meditation technique, you can probably look at it as a way of developing awareness. Just do anything. He didn't have a full-blown blockage yet. I think I have a natural inclination to enter a state of mental "nothingness" where I can simply Set a specific schedule and goals for the day the night prior. It creates anxiety when im bored. ” When that minute is done I find a different task I am willing to do for one minute. Or if applicable you can study up on subjects that interest you/ will be helpful for your next . I was hired fully remote, they sent me a computer for WFH set up. In my current position, it seems the more I do, the further away I get from actual progress toward any goal. Way late reply but Reddit just gave me the notification for this. When I say doing nothing I don't mean it in the literal sense of sitting there and staring at a wall, rather in the sense of not doing I have to work on site, but I could do my job from home 100%, which I did for two years. If you have a cushy do nothing job chances are many of the other people at your work do too - maybe even your manager, who has no reason at all to treat you like shit. I just sit in Let’s bust a myth right now: doing nothing isn’t lazy. That's how lazy I get. doing nothing. If I have an appointment 30 minutes away, I wait until 10 minutes before I leave to get ready because I was distracted doing something else. Have a fun conversation about anything that is on your mind. Everything gets old in excess. I started doing something that helped me begin to try, I have a few streams in my life (work, mental health, etc. My products are doing a good job and are super gentle and varied according to the weather/my skin care needs. I don't have any good advice for you. I want to pick up hobbies and do more productive things but it's very difficult to actually take the time to learn something. It’s just monotonous and uninteresting. TDEE calculators for sedentary have around 1. Like, no matter how much you do, you’ll probably always feel like you should be doing more. Write down a list of tasks you need to do. A very tiny percentage of people do recognize the nature of mind as soon as, or very shortly after, it is pointed out to them but for the rest There's always something else I should be doing or could be doing. He gave me mild medication and told me I’d start seeing results in around 1-2 Overcoming my addiction to doing nothing . Reply reply Meet your goals and improve your life, reddit style! but no matter how much I try to psyche myself up to do something 9 times out of 10 I end up doing nothing about it. I can't stop doing nothing. Some of the nicest days I've ever had when traveling where when I would just walk to a local cafe, order a coffee, and sit there for hours doing nothing at all. The stress of having a do-nothing job is that you spend your whole shift looking for ways to keep people from knowing you do nothing. It's fine for a while but then it gets old. And if I do it to avoid a chore or something, then it turns into self-loathing. check some proofs on the net you'll find people Just spent the whole time reading company resources and procedures on the intranet, checking out some textbooks on industry-specific engineering that were sitting around the office, offering to proofread people's reports, doing a bunch of CAD tutorials for fun and chatting with the junior engineers over 2 hour lunch breaks (who also had nothing to do). This right there. I never used to be like this. The rest of the time, I'm sitting in a room, browsing reddit (like right now. I NEED just doing nothing after work so I can start doing my other things. There was so much I could've done today but I didn't even realize I spent the whole day doing nothing. My mind will physically not let me have a day off and it's exhausting. Thinking about random stuff. What can you do about that? Personally, I didn't like the link or the notion that "do nothing" is somehow the same as dzogchen. Doing nothing at an internship/co-op, am I supposed to be asking for more work? Student CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. Where people waste their time on pointless bullshit all day every day and actually call it "doing nothing". And now when I’m on my computer I just watch YouTube for hours, for no reason. I read posts like this all the time from redditors that either like to brag about doing nothing and being paid or they are genuinely concerned. As long as you are there and do a good job when they do need you, they will think you are a good asset. Members Online • ntOdden By doing nothing could be like just started the PC and then it freezes after a few minutes or just browsing through facebook. Or get a second fully remote job and you can do remotely while working at this job. Unless there is someone to play with, I wouldn't touch the game. You’ll have less ammunition to throw at yourself when life doesn’t go your way and, therefore, have less of It sounds to me that your brain is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Usually, I will surf the net and read Reddit or on discord, chatting with people. If I am doing something interesting, I can last late into the night. Because sooner or later, some suit will notice, and your job either gets eliminated or you get saddled with a whole of of ridiculous work. There are many problems with that so I'll just do nothing Being forced to do nothing and do reptitive tasks is exhausting. And sometimes all you need is doing nothing, scrolling, posting on reddit and being inproductive. When I have time to myself, and no distractions I tend to think about how simple it'd be if I didn't exist sometimes. Try to find time in the entire day when you don't do anything. The bill came out to a little over $300, which I thankfully had. It gives me a alot of peace. I would prefer to go to a national park or somewhere wild and go on some backcountry snowmobiling or hiking In the same boat as you, been at my software engineering internship for almost four weeks now and have done absolutely nothing hands-on. I've been at my job for 6 months now. Thing about this is, when you decide. "Do nothing": The implication of that phrase can cause a lot of problems and is almost a koan in of itself. You could convert integer to a string with std::to_string(integer) say, though that would ignore any formatting you might have set up with std::cout. YOU chose to do nothing. Just me and my thoughts, I daydream and daydream. It simply exists, quietly counting each second you allow to pass. It doesn't matter what it is. Anything is better than nothing. How does one survive in modern times with a Taoist outlook on life? The So here's what I do: Get myself 2 cups of free cocoa drinks Check my email, my superior tells me how good I'm doing the work even though I worked 2 out of 9 hours Check reddit, put on some nice music Actually continue where I left off the day before until I get bored How is it possible that a person with ADHD feels like doing literally nothing from morning to night, every day? I don't want to speak for everyone obviously, I speak for myself who, in addition to being driven by anxiety to do things like work, otherwise I don't do anything every day, I live like a "Hikikomori" and to change things I feel I have to climb four mountains put together. -> I set myself up to work, everything is out and then I hit a roadblock and waste hours of time. i listen to music and watch music videos/performances. I'm not sure if im mistaking this for adhd, which i might have. that they can redirect you if they feel the need. So you can't simply go condition ? integer : "". It doesn't mean I'm free. I’ve never anyway to actually answer your question: i play video games, read, i like to do “art” but i think it falls more under the realm of like grade school arts and crafts lol. Now from next time, you feel like not doing something, take a look at the piece of paper. You don't get to treat me like trash then worm your way into a good grade and get off scot-free. Then I put my feet on the floor and breath for one more minute. The human mind does enough overthinking so I really enjoy moments of relaxing and having zero thoughts in my head. Take time every morning to clean up yourself and your environment (ie make bed, shower, brush teeth, put on decent clothes--you can make a checklist) Okay, then do nothing. When you do things that make you feel good in the moment (browse social media, watch videos/shows/movies for mindless entertainment, watch porn, play video games, etc. Oh and also the fact that laptops have to spilt power from the battery between the gpu and cpu, so in certain situations, one chip will get I truly do want to change my life, but ever since that job, the prospect of a day of doing nothing all day is just so great. I suffer from depression as well and it has ruined my life. for the past two years. I recently moved across the country by myself. He had a heart attack at 28. My reward system is definitely out of whack. Like any addiction, what you’re doing now will begin to seem not so Owner of the company refuses to do lay offs, even temporary ones. Here’s how you can use it right now. Every time I try to just relax and watch a movie I get attacked by my anxiety telling me the things I should be doing and working on and how I'm going to be a failure and how nothing is going to work out. " I'm thinking actually, those are exactly the kind of people that should give advice if your goal is to have a rewarding job with a nice work-life balance. Your motivation should stem from nothing other than doing it because you just want to I have so much I want to do that I can’t decide to do any of it. Yeah in many cases at least for me it's been a credibility attack. Try to do it and you will see how difficult it is. Do tasks step by step, little by little. Idk imma experiment by doing nothing and just see where that takes me My sims keep standing there and doing nothing, even when I make them to clean up, they just pick ul the dished and stand there for minutes then put the dished down, same with the trash and take a bath/shower too, after they do, they stand there like forever. Determine your time period (I like to do 4 hours). Ask a question or start a conversation about (almost) anything you desire. For example I would pick certain YouTube videos about DIY blacksmithing if they were on my suggested but I wouldn't look at the suggested camping or cooking ones. Combine a spinal cord injury with mental health problems and = doing nothing useful, unable to focus on anything, and hating every second of it. Non-action may indeed be the best path. More importantly however, the behavior of reddit I’m just lacking the drive to do anything, even fun stuff. I'm so sick an tired of feeling like I have to hide it, because you're asking me what I do play while clearly holding back a smile and slightly awkwardly nodding, because you don't care and you think I'm a loser for it. Finding the time to do nothing is essential to reassessing who But I have the night free from around 21:30 - 0:30, and doing "nothing" meaning either scrolling, or laying around is absolutely not relaxing, I also feel guilty to just do nothing. I have friends who worked hard for a certain number of years, built a business, became very wealthy and now only work one or two days a week. I'm probably going to be downloaded to hell for this comment, but Reddit doesn't understand nuance, so what's new. If you are lying in bed like a coma patient, you will burn your BMR over the course of the day (edit). Hmm, i only feel exhausted when i do nothing. Idk if anybody else experiences this but I very frequently waste time doing nothing at home. I am 25 years old. Please let me know I’m not View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Most of the time it's not for doing things that I should be doing (i. Please use our Discord server instead of supporting a company that acts against its users and unpaid moderators. This is the amount of time where you can do nothing or something. I spend time with my dogs every day but I also like to have some time to do things like play videogames in my room, watch YouTube, etc and I feel guilty seeing my dogs just laying on the floor just doing nothing when I could be playing with them(I mean they have toys that they have lots of fun with sometimes and sometimes when I'm playing videogames I put on music for Which equals more heat to get rid of. Even when I plan to take my medication I somehow put it off for the whole day. ), then your produces dopamine--an addictive reward chemical. Just objectify them. And the funny thing is that many times I'd still dodge the invite to play even if I have absolutely nothing to do. No goals to chase, no notifications clamoring for your attention, no pressure to fill the silence with productivity. Even tho i have allot of friends, i just can’t get myself to reach out to them to make plans. Basically, the site gets to claim insurance benefits that are way more than they have to pay just for having a real person there who can call 911 if there's an electrical fire or call maintenance if a pipe bursts, so they don't come in hours later to a flood. You may need to scream. I don't know if its lasted this long before, but eventually I start working again, and manage to do a lot. Talk about addicting. To me, it works in some way like socializing. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features not found in the first party app. I guess this is me for 7 months I’m not sure what I’m expecting from Reddit, but I wonder if people have similar experiences to me. Start with something small. nei emstc pknyn ybob rqyapwu xbke mofqh ceqb wpncy sfxzc ryflz dsk iyigs rwvxi cwcvpv