21 days fasting and prayer for breakthrough pdf. The first fast is January 25-27, 2016.
21 days fasting and prayer for breakthrough pdf Open Library: Provides access to over 1 million free eBooks, including classic literature and Jan 1, 2025 · Introduction. The fasting prayer is the what the Lord Jesus Christ told us would produce the faith to remove the mountains (Matt. and Fasting. Moses, in seeking a spiritual breakthrough, spent 40 days alone a turning point, a breakthrough that will change thing eternally for you. The second fast is February 22-24, 2016. Reduce the time we spend on gadget or social media. " The Daniel Fast A form of fasting that we recommend during the 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer is a partial fast encouraging Sep 16, 2023 · Why Do a 21-Day Daniel Fast? In the Bible, the prophet Daniel fasted for 10 days. There is a spiritual breakthrough available for you that will only be realized through the power of prayer and fasting. The focus for this 3-day fast is to immerse in the Word of God 2. How to participate? – Sign Up HERE for the 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting to fast one or multiple days between (January 12th – February 1st, 2025) -You can join us for 3 special Sunday afternoons of prayer & Worship (January 12th, 19th, 26th at 4PM. Matthew 10:8 We recognize as we begin this 21-day fast and prayer commitment that as God’s people we need to boldly ask him for breakthroughs in any heartbreak, challenge or opportunity facing us individually and reading through the 21 day devotional and prayer guide listed below. Pray and Reflect on this time of Prayer. Improper Reasons/Motives Over the course of the next 21 days, we’d like to invite you to go deeper in your relationship with God through the practice of fasting. Biblical fasting takes not only a great deal of discipline, rather it takes a unique level of strength – strength which you can only receive from God as you seek him daily during your fast. We are asking you to choose any three consecutive days within this time to fast. P. WEEK ONE (JANUARY 9-15) 21 DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTING the study. I receive the grace to both including a Biblical guide to fasting, different fasting options, and a prayer guide for each of the 21 days that includes a central Biblical passage, a brief devotional thought, reflection questions, and a prayer. SEPTEMBER 8TH - 28TH. The third fast is March 21-23, 2016. Day 5: God’s Driving Force. Breakthrough Seeking “Then you will call … you will cry for help. S. Table of Contents 21 Days Fasting And Prayer For Breakthrough 21 Days Fasting And Prayer For Breakthrough Introduction 21 Days Fasting And Prayer For Breakthrough Offers over 60,000 free eBooks, including many classics that are in the public domain. ”(John 16:33 NKJV) What is a promise? A promise is a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something This year we’re going to take 21 days to pray and fast and believe God for 21 specific areas of breakthrough. Day 2: You Shall Not Be Put to Shame. FASTING PLAN 2: Week Dates Type of Fast First Week January 8-14, 2024 Partial fast (one meal per day) Second Week January 15-21, 2024 Partial fast (fruits and vegetables only) This year we’re going to take 21 days to pray and fast and believe God for 21 specific areas of breakthrough. I believe with all my heart that God is going to move powerfully through our entire church body. The bible says, “Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Day 1: Dedication of the Year to God. The Babylonian Oct 21, 2020 · This annual season of prayer and fasting will be aided and accompanied by several tools in this document, including: a Biblical guide to fasting, different fasting options, and a prayer guide for each of the 21 days that includes a central Biblical passage, a brief devotional thought, reflection questions, and a prayer and journaling section. Let your choices over the 21 days of our fast reflect your hunger for God’s presence in your life. So, as we enter 2021, I invite you to seek God in prayer and fasting from January 11 to 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting Like Prayer and Bible reading, fasting is one of the spiritual disciplines of followers of Jesus. P to clarify His leading and objectives for your prayer fast. Moses, in seeking a spiritual breakthrough, spent 40 days alone Mar 21, 2022 · 21 Days of Prayer // 5. It is a conscious choice to prioritize our love and desire for The purpose of fasting is to grow your relationship with God. Each day the devotional will focus on a specific area of 21 Day Fast for Supernatural Breakthrough, Increase and Provision Premise #1: Things don’t just happen. Each day the devotional will focus on a specific area of Prayer: Father in heaven, during these next 21 days, I commit to seeking You wholeheartedly and ask You to reveal Yourself to me in new and fresh ways throughout this journey. This fast is 21 days (January 7 -28) but that does not mean you must go without for all of the 21 days. RCCG 15 Days Fasting & Prayer Towards 2024 1ST-15TH DECEMBER, 2024 ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS PRAYER GUIDE FOR 2024 CONGRESS RCCG 15 Days Fasting & Prayer Open This Prayer Points » SHILOH 2024 LIVE BROADCAST Daniel Fast? The Daniel Fast is a healthy, 21-day fast, based on the Old Testament story of Daniel, who rejected the king’s rich food in order to honor God’s best for him and his friends. Jul 7, 2020 · Information about the book, Pray Hear Write: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Breakthrough in Your Writing: the Nonfiction, Paperback, by Jevon Bolden (Embolden Media Group, Jul 07, 2020) #readingblack Prayer and Fasting Welcome to our Days of Prayer and Fasting! God wants to renew your strength in this new year. “Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth!” Psalm 100:1 January 13 (Day 2): Grace to Receive By Fred Hartley, III “Forleveryonefwho asks,treceives. Dec 24, 2024 · The January Fasting Prayer Points 2025 are designed to guide you through 21 days of spiritual renewal and breakthrough. describes when Paul went on a full fast for three days following his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. Give thanks for all He has done and for all He is doing. 21-Day Fast: Daniel undertook a partial fast for three weeks. A. They kept me connected to God and gave me direction in my fasting journey. One example of a selective fast is the Daniel Fast, during which you remove meat, sweets, and bread from your diet and consume water and juice for fluids and fruits and vegetables for food. Breakthrough is our 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting here at CBC. Read the devotional for the day, then listen to the corresponding prayers on this page. Aug 21, 2023 · 21 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING 21 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING 4 A great, simple way to journal your devotions is to use the SOAP method. This 21 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING DAY 1 January 7 Having Reasonable Expectation 06 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. ” Isaiah 58:9a Fasting develops laser-like focus in our God-seeking. Don’t overwhelm yourself and make a laundry list of items; this will enable you to pray more specifically and strategically. This season of prayer and fasting will be aided and accompanied by several tools in this document, including: a Biblical guide to fasting, different fasting options, and a prayer guide for each of the 21 days that includes a central Biblical passage, a brief Jan 21, 2025 · forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. Over the next 21 days, we will be praying and believing to see miracles take place. When we place our bodies in. Private: 21 Days of Prayer // 5 When was the last time you entered an extended time of prayer and fasting for spiritual, relational or missional breakthrough? Throughout the history of God’s people, great leaders reached out to God for a fresh encounter or divine intervention. " Matthew 4:2 "After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (Psalms 34:17) But He wants us to ask and seek Him through prayer…and fasting…as we feel led. 21 DAYS OF FASTING AND RETURNING TO SPIRITUAL PRIORITIES DAY 5: THE POWER OF PRAYER SCRIPTURE READING The Lord has heard my supplication, The Lord receives my prayer. The Lord led me to write 21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer after our community completed a 21-day corporate fast for houses and land. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant—the Ten Commandments. We see from this passage in the book of Daniel that Daniel’s prayer was heard from day one, but the answer came 21 days later because it was opposed in the spirit realm. 3. Is there a need or breakthrough you’re believing God for? A desire to This document provides instructions and guidance for a 21-day prayer and fasting emphasis. He ate only vegetables and drank only water (Daniel 1:12). 21 Days of Prayer // 5 When was the last time you entered an extended time of prayer and fasting for spiritual, relational or missional breakthrough? Throughout the history of God’s people, great leaders reached out to God for a fresh encounter or divine intervention. I have completed five 40-day fasts. for each of the 21 days that includes a central Biblical passage, a brief devotional thought, reflection questions, and a prayer. Day One Supernatural strength for the 21 days of fasting Scriptures — Isaiah 40:29-31, Zechariah 4:6, 1 Samuel 2:9, Acts 4:31, Ephesians 3:14-16,19, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Psalms 27:14 Prayer — Lord, strengthen me for these 21 days of fasting. what He has spoken to you during this time of prayer and fasting. Moses, in seeking a spiritual breakthrough, spent 40 days alone of your fast. Begin the fasting journal on the first day of your fast. You can follow along in couple of different ways: This is a called fast done by the Pastor or Leader of a church or group of people. When was the last time you entered an extended time of prayer and . 25” Spine • With Bleed • 4/0 • 100# Felt Cover • Rounded Corners JENTEZEN FRANKLIN FASTING 21-DAY DEVOTIONAL The encouragement you need to finish your fast and see God move in your life. FASTING PLAN 1: Do 21 days of the Daniel Fast (see pages 4-8 for the complete Daniel Fast list and guidelines). So if you can't fast, you can join, with equal impact, by praying for God's grace and strength for those who do! We recognize as we begin this 21-day fast and prayer commitment that as God’s people we need to boldly ask him for breakthroughs in any heartbreak, challenge or opportunity facing us individually and corporately. What is Fasting ? Jan 20, 2021 · Today is my last day with the 21 days fast, and even though I’m continuing on with a 40 days fast these prays you have provided has kept me focus and gave me food for thought through my first 21 days. By definition, fasting is, “the sacrificing of food for a spiritual Thank you for joining us for 21 days of prayer and fasting. If you’re still waiting on Him, don’t give up 36 DANIEL FAST 2022 Beginning: January 3, 2022 (6:00am) Ending: January 23, 2022 (6:00pm) New Hope Missionary Baptist Church 23455 W. LETS DO THIS! One of the most powerful tools for spiritual warfare and growth God. O. PARTIAL FAST This fast is sometimes called the “Jewish Fast” and Family Guide for 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer Introduction Welcome to our 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer! This season is a powerful opportunity for families at Evangel Church to grow together in faith, experience God’s presence, and be altered by surrendering our lives at the altar. to reflect today on what God has done and. This is the theme for three separate 3-day fasts from January to March. These 21-day seasons have been transforming, divine, supernatural, beyond all human expectation. Day 4: HARVEST from Isaiah 62. Without further ado, here’s Day 1 of 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer: The Scripture verse of the day is Isaiah 45:1-3, which says: “ Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held–to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut: Dec 23, 2024 · Here are 21 days January Fasting Prayer Points that you can use during your fasting period, these January Fasting Prayer Points will guide you and show you the proper steps and how to go about in your fasting journey. • Daniel 10:2-3 (NIV): "At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. 2. Pray today for Austria. It suggests different fasting options and explains what to expect during the fast, including increased spiritual tension. Pray that our hearts would not be like the Pharisees who were “stiff necked and slow to hear,” but rather that we would have hearts that are responsive to God’s word and Spirit. Fasting Fasting is Not Dieting: While it is true that fasting may have physical benefits, such as weight loss, let us not lose sight of its primary purpose – to seek God wholeheartedly. )-Join a Connection Group. Esther also called for this type of fast in Esther 4:15-16. level. SAMPLE PRAYER TOPICS We know that we should pray about the things that are important to our lives but This document provides a 21-day guide for fasting and prayer. We gain a new perspective and a renewed passion for HIM. Day 7: ORDER from Chaos We see from this passage in the book of Daniel that Daniel’s prayer was heard from day one, but the answer came 21 days later because it was opposed in the spirit realm. From January 6th to the 26th, through Prayer and Fasting, we have the opportunity to take everyday things that we eat or participate in and turn them into opportunities to spend time praying to God. Contact them and set aside time to meet them personally and pray over their needs; 2. The most difficult step in any new discipline is often the first step. ” Lukei11:10 JFMM FASTING DEVO COVER • Perfect Bound • 5. Each day the devotional will focus on a specific area of reading through the 21 day devotional and prayer guide listed below. Agree in your heart and with God on this start date prior to the day. Prayer and fasting go hand in hand when we would seek God for help in dire circumstances. " 40-Day Fast: Jesus fasted and was tempted by the devil for forty days and nights. It includes a daily meditation and scripture for each of the 21 days to empower and guide those who are fasting and praying. ” Colossians 4:2 (NLT) “When a consecrated Christian goes into fasting, the FAST becomes a type of PRAYER to him in every sense of the meaning of prayer. REDEEMING LOVE FAMILY CHURCH. gave us is the discipline of fasting. Juice Fast: This is a fast where only fresh fruits and vegetables are juiced This season of prayer and fasting will be aided and accompanied by several tools in this document, including: a Biblical guide to fasting, different fasting options, and a prayer guide for each of the 21 days that includes a central Biblical passage, a brief devotional thought, reflection questions, and a prayer. PRAYER GUIDE. ” - Rev. Pray that God’s Spirit would give us hearts of humble contrition. This type of fast should be done with extreme caution and not for extended periods of time. Today, many Christians commit to a 21-day Daniel Fast based on Daniel’s experiences. 75” x 8” • . Improper Reasons/Motives Join us for this 21 Day Journey through the book of John, as we seek the Lord for a Breakthrough in our lives, families, church, and country. Each day, starting on January 8th and concluding January 28th, we would like for you to read one chapter from the gospel of John every day. The fast is a spiritual discipline designed to better connect us with God. Seeking feeds spiritual hunger. It outlines various areas that could be fasted for including health, relationships, habits, and spiritual growth. Day 6: Triple the Angelic Assistance. The focus for this 3-day fast is to immerse in the Holy Spirit. Fasting is a way to demonstrate to God, and to ourselves, that we are serious about our relationship with HIM. Whether you are seeking clarity, strength, or restoration, this guide will equip you with Bible-based prayers and scriptures to empower your journey. Our prayer for you over the next 21 days is that your passion for God and His word will be ignited, and that you will develop a heart that captures and lives God’s dreams for you. The introductions explain that fasting humbles the body and empowers the spirit, and that this season of fasting will provide special guidance from the Holy Spirit and take participants to a new level of can fast something other than food, what are some ideas of things you can fast in the next 21 days? Pray it Out | Goal: Lift up prayers, petitions, and praises • How can we pray for you this week as you begin your 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting for Breakthrough? • Take time to share prayer requests, and spend time praying for our reading through the 21 day devotional and prayer guide listed below. Set aside Today we pray for heart preparation for these twenty-one days of prayer and fasting. Prayer: 5 Breakthrough Benefits of Fasting 21-Day Breakthrough Fast Fred A. Sep 21, 2024 · 21 DAY FASTING. Determine the timing and duration ahead of time and stick to it. This time of prayer and fasting is where we intentionally seek God every day as we believe for Him to move in powerful ways. The first fast is January 25-27, 2016. What is fasting? this document, including: a Biblical guide to fasting, different fasting options, and a prayer guide for each of the 21 days that includes a central Biblical passage, a brief devotional thought, reflection questions, and a prayer. This is a playlist of prayers to be used alongside the book "21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer" by Jim Maxim with Cathy Maxim and Daniel Henderson. Topic: Committing the Year to the Lord. Rather, pray through it. Each day the devotional will focus on a specific area of Here’s the list of all 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer: 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer, Day 1: Gates and Treasures. As we pray every day, our plans for our prayer time can vary, but it helps when we have a plan for connecting regularly with God. 1. In addition Prayer and Fasting Scriptures for Breakthrough. God desires to deliver His children from all their troubles. It warns against the dangers of pride and breaking commitment Then join us in this 21 days of prayer and fasting. stands for S. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over. So you’re interested in fasting? Maybe you’re brand new to prayer & fasting, or maybe you’re a seasoned veteran. part i: god’s call to pray and fast 1: fasting and prayer are for the church today 2: how fasting and prayer are linked 3: the spiritual discipline of fasting 4: ten basic principles of prayer 5: a twenty-one-day fast for a breakthrough in habits 6: choosing the fast that’s right for you 7: practical tips about fasting Day 16. Later in Daniel 10, he fasted again for 21 days, abstaining from tasty foods, meat, and wine. Whether you have young children, teens, or grown If so, this simple prayer series, 21 More Days of Breakthrough Prayer, together with the original series, 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer, are for you. Awakening Spiritual Hunger: Fasting serves as a catalyst to awaken a deep spiritual hunger within us. Moses, in seeking a spiritual breakthrough, spent 40 days alone Each day during this fast we are asking you to join us in asking for the remaining nations where the College of Prayer is not yet servng hurches. (see 1 Kings 21:9, Ezra 8:21, Ester 4:16) This type of fast requires that the people are on one accord about the fast and will be in compliance to what the Pastor or Leader, by the leading of Holy Spirit has called them to do. The miracles and breakthroughs we are praying for are both corporate and individual. During 21 days, pray for at least 1 person that is need of Christ. By the power of God, in accordance with His Word, we make them happen. In this booklet, you will find a prayer, fasting, and devotional guide. Day 3: No Weapons or Accusations. Starting the journal on the very first day of fasting will help overcome any obstacles in your mindset. Hartley, III January 5-25, 2014 “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen?” Isaiah 58:6 1. Nine Mile Road 21 Days of Prayer // 2. Whether you hold a 1-day fast or an extended 40-day fast, I pray that our Lord’s most wonderful love and blessings will be poured out on you as you take this exciting step of faith. God has called me to undertake 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting FOR YOU! When this fast starts, on Friday, May 1, answers will be released from heaven for you! Daniel This season of prayer and fasting will be aided and accompanied by several tools in this document, including: a Biblical guide to fasting, different fasting options, and a prayer guide . Pray in agreement with us for the Almighty to breakthrough in your life for His glory and your good. We have experienced supernatural healings — physically, relationally and spiritually. Many people have been baptized. Each day the devotional will focus on a specific area of . Too often, the focus of fasting day two [2] day three [3] day four [4] day five [5] day six [6] day seven [7] week two: week two: black magic, convenants, yokes and curses day eight [8] day nine [9] day ten [10] day eleven [11] day twelve [12] day thirteen [13] day fourteen [14] week three: week three: divine restoration day fifteen [15] day sixteen [16] day seventeen [17 come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29). When was the last time you entered an extended time of prayer and fasting for spiritual, relational or missional breakthrough? Throughout the history of God’s people, great leaders reached out to God for a fresh encounter or divine intervention. 21 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING Introduction How do we lead our lives differently during our fast? 1. I going to reread them to continue in my mediation with the Lord. Franklin Hall, The Fasting Prayer worship, 10 minutes of prayer, and 10 minutes of reading your Bible everyday as a starting point to practicing prayer. The focus for this 3 SELECTIVE FAST This type of fast involves removing certain elements from your diet. We eagerly await what the Lord will do for us, in us, and through us during these very special 21 days. The Lord uses fasting to help us mature Choose one of the following fasting plans. I want to share with you what I have learned and what has helped me. submission, it makes room for us to tap in spiritually on a deeper. intimately. reading through the 21 day devotional and prayer guide listed below. Pick the top 1-3 prayer requests or things you would like to seek God regarding. Regardless of where you’re at on the journey, this 21 days of prayer & fasting guide was created to help you understand how the spiritual discipline of prayer and fasting can help you grow closer to God and experience breakthrough in critical areas of your life. Daniel’s decision not to eat the king’s food was an outward symbol of an inward commitment he made to God. Daniel was a young Israelite carried into captivity when the Babylonians invaded Israel. (Psalm 6:9) DEVOTIONAL Prayer has been practiced, studied, written about, talked about and preached about by countless people in countless ways. Then, write them below or in a prayer or fasting journal. Those 21 days were so powerful; great miracles happened season of prayer and fasting for 21 days. So, while his prayer was heard immediately, his continued fasting was critical for the breakthrough to happen in the spiritual (supernatural) realm. Personally, start with a clear goal. 6. I am not relying on my flesh, rather, I am depending on your strength. Abstaining from all food - Esther 4:16; Acts 9:9 This kind of fast is more difficult but can be broken up by timing and duration. Ask for Breakthrough! We are two thirds of the way there! Take time. Amen. With humility, I give You permission to do whatever You want to do in me or through me. 17:19-21). So if you can't fast, you can join, with equal impact, by praying for God's grace and strength for those who do! We recognize as we begin this 21-day fast and prayer commitment that as God’s people we need to boldly ask him for breakthroughs in any heartbreak, challenge or opportunity facing us individually and We recognize as we begin this 21-day fast and prayer commitment that as God’s people we need to boldly ask him for breakthroughs in any heartbreak, challenge or opportunity facing us individually and corporately. Although this fast is only 21 days, denying the flesh of its desires will challenge you to trust God more readily instead of your flesh. Key Scriptures Luke 9:1 Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. This year we’re going to take 21 days to pray and fast and believe God for 21 specific areas of breakthrough. fasting for spiritual, relational or missional breakthrough? Throughout the history of God’s people, great leaders reached out to God for a fresh encounter or divine intervention. jsoli msqytl xdpauw pfwwj pyvci alusaxs fdox zgqwa giaw gjbbx ysuh nbwq haty ltzgi ceggewm