Todd county mn news. July 25, 2024 View Custom Report.
Todd county mn news ) CSAH 14 (Long Prairie River Bridge Replacement Project – East of Browerville): -Work is scheduled to start here on Monday, August 12th for road closure and setup of detour [] Consider yourself a numbers person? Please see our 'Community Profiles' tool below to view more detailed reports. Pennyrile Narcotics Task Force detectives say the investigation led to the seizure of over 40 pounds of marijuana, 25 guns, a large quantity of psychedelic Todd County strives to ensure that its services are accessible to people with disabilities. No injuries were reported. On January 21, the West Central Task Force, Wadena-Hubbard SWAT and the Todd County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant at a residence in Browerville. 6 months just $2! SUBSCRIBE NOW Show Search. mn. Move to an appropriate shelter if you are in the path of the storm. The meeting will star The Todd County, Minnesota Election Guide brings together local election information, polling places, poll locations, poll times from independent public sources like the League of Women Voters; Vote411. Todd-Wadena Community Corrections Executive Committee will hold a Fee Schedule Hearing, in Press Release 4/23/2024 Soil and Water Board Supervisor Election Filing period opens May 21-June 4, 2024 This year, the Todd Soil and Water Conservation District (Todd SWCD) has two (2) Supervisor positions up for election. A Ford Taurus was travelling northbound on Highway Todd County News. crimestoppersmn. In total, 45 The Todd County Office of Emergency Management is working with U-Spatial at the University of Minnesota Duluth to update the county’s Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). To make an Adult Protection Report, please call the Minnesota Adult Todd County Management of Information Systems (MIS) provides quality professional and technical service and assistance to Todd County customers, both internal and external to the organization. Todd Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors have been invited to attend the MASWCD Annual Convention on December 2-4, 2024 at the DoubleTree by Where the Forest Meets the Prairie | Todd County, Minnesota is uniquely located in Central Minnesota, quite literally, “where the forest meets the prairie. Todd County Court Administration is one of ten counties located in the 7th Judicial District. Box 188 310 West Main Street, Clarissa, MN 56440. Todd County Court Facility 221 1st Avenue South Long Prairie, MN 56347 Phone: (320) 357-5005 Fax: (320) 732-2506. The 2014 Legislative Session enacted Law Chapter 308 to provide Minnesota counties a County Program Aid grant for Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention Todd County MN local news. Notice of Transportation Sales and Use Tax. Submit A News Release. Meet Your Commissioners; Board Meeting Information; Divisions & Departments; 2018 Todd County Area Goat Workshop When: Thursday, November 15th Time: 10:30am-2:00pm (registration starts at 10:00am) Where: Thunder Lodge Sports Bar A search for a suspect is underway in central Minnesota after two people were found dead inside a residence in rural Long Prairie. Half of the victims die [] Recent News From Auditor and Treasurer. The Minnesota woman charged with murder, arson and neglect following death of 2 children Jennifer Stately, 35, has been charged with murder, arson and child neglect in the The Todd County Recount Canvassing Board has, as of Thursday, November 21, 2024, certified the final results of the recount of votes for the Office of County Commissioner Proudly covering Todd County rural communities and neighbors: Clarissa, Browerville, Independent News Herald. Parent County: Stearns County Seat: Long Prairie * * * * * Todd County Courthouse Some of the Todd County Board of Commissioners felt that they needed more information in order to make a decision about a request. FREE appointments with attorneys to receive advice on civil legal issues. According to the report, a Can-Am Spyder, driven by Boyd Palmer, 70, of Fargo, was traveling southbound on US Hwy 71, while a Chevy Traverse, driven by Hannah Larson, 24, of Wadena, was traveling westbound on MN Contact Us. Celebrating Parks and Recreation Month in Todd County, Minnesota. Lakewood Cancer Center: Bringing Advanced Cancer Care to Todd County. Photography - 21. The loan is available at 1. # # # CONTACT Crime Stoppers of Minnesota Robert Dennistoun When: Fourth Monday Every Month: 1:00 – 3:00 pm Where: Todd County Law Library, 221 First Avenue South, Long Prairie, MN 56347 Pre-registration preferred. According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or Greetings from Todd County Soil and Water Conservation District (Todd SWCD) Unsure what type of tree would do best on your property? We have staff available to help you decide on your tree selection. The State of Minnesota had a 2022 goal of having all households have access to Wireline Broadband of at least 25 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload. 6% lived in one of 59 Solid Republican counties. Fort Ripley was in the original county, which extended east to the Mississippi. For more information or to express your interest in this exciting opportunity, feel free to contact Todd County Auditor Treasurer Denise Gaida at 📞 320-732-4472 or reach out Notice to the Public: on October 15th, 2024 at 9:15 a. The crash happened around 6:10 a. A 12-year-old girl is in critical condition after a shooting in Bloomington. The Browerville blade, 2016-01-06 to 2017-08-23 Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub Eagle Bend Newspapers and Obituaries. Search. Independent news herald, 2016-01-06 to 2018-12-26 Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub Overview Minnesotans have suffered tremendously from the opioid epidemic. state@state. Thunderstorm Winds Thunderstorms can produce straight-line winds that exceed 100 miles per hour. com ($) Requests can be made through our records department at 320-732-7748, by e-mailing a request to Todd. Recent News from Todd County Veterans Services Transportation to VA Todd County Veterans Van provides transportation to the St Cloud VA on odd numbered days (1,3,5 etc. Announcement of Closed Meeting . Guide to Todd County, Minnesota ancestry, genealogy and family history, birth records, marriage records, death records, census records, and military records. Offline Newspapers for Browerville. The vote totals remain unchanged from the original canvassed results of Friday, November 8, 2024. The Minnesota State Patrol says the crash took place on Sunday night along Highway 71 north of Sauk Centre. Todd County, along with community partners, is providing information to assist businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason you should treat severe thunderstorms just as you would tornadoes. denny@co. It is served by one district court judge, Judge Daniel A. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners (the “Board”) of Todd County, Minnesota (the “County”), will hold a public hearing of the Board beginning at 9:15 a. TODD COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF RECOUNT Date of Notice: November 13 November 13, 2024. Todd County Administration 215 1st Avenue South Suite 300 Long Prairie, MN 56347 320-732-6447. Submit an obit for publication in The Administration Division includes Human Resources, Facilities, Management of Information Systems, and Emergency Management. Notice of Transportation Sales Greetings from Todd County Soil and Water Conservation District (Todd SWCD) Unsure what type of tree would do best on your property? We have staff available to help you decide on your tree selection. Welcome visitors of Todd County. ) 1883-1977 Browse the title (Todd County, MN)--A 16-year-old male from Browerville was killed in a crash in Todd County on Sunday night. Opioid overdose deaths have increased dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic. m. The Minnesota State Patrol says the collision happened at around 9:50 p. John Baines Smith Todd was in command of the Fort at that time, and it was named after him. S, Long Prairie, MN 56347. 5% interest rate and up to 10 years to pay off the loan. -The detour route will follow along Todd CSAH 47 / Stearns CSAH 35, to Stearns CSAH 37, to Stearns CSAH 36 / Morrison CSAH 19. District 2 – Tim Denny – Vice Chairperson Term expires 12/2026 49922 County 73 Hewitt, MN 56453 320-874-1173 tim. on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, in the Osakis Public School Auditorium, 500 First Avenue East, Osakis, Minnesota. Meeting Location: Northern Todd County Services Center, 200 First Street NE, Suite 1, Staples, MN 56479. Todd County Board of Commissioners: Board makes Extension and Park & Trails appointments Couple found dead in Todd County ID'd as former NFL player and his wife. Todd County Argus was published weekly in Long Prairie, Minnesota between January 1876 and November 1917, when it was absorbed by the Long Prairie Leader. Design - 2. Phone: 320-732-6447 Contact The 2024 Annual Todd County Feedlot Meeting and Producer Appreciation Free Buffet When: Thursday, March 21, 2024 – 10 am to 2:30 pmWhere: Shattuck’s Hub Supper Club, 30905 County 13, Burtrum, MN RSVP to 320-732-2644 by March 11, 2024 There’s A Hole In The Bucket! Broadband Line Extension Program and Todd County News Release-Hazard Mitigation Plan. utech@co. Notice is hereby given that the Absentee Voting Location for the upcoming August 13, 2024 State Primary election which includes all eligible Todd County Voters is: ABSENTEE VOTING LOCATION: Todd County Historic Courthouse at the Todd County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office 215 1st Avenue S, Suite 201 Long Prairie, MN 56347 DATES/TIMES: June 28, 2024 – Inmates in-custody in the Todd County jail in Long Prairie, Minnesota. If you prefer to contact Todd County by phone or mail, please use contact information below. Todd County News. , Suite 300 Long Prairie, MN 56347 Browerville Newspapers and Obituaries. As a result of the Police have identified a suspect, and are trying to track him down. Home; Residents; Visitors; Businesses; Government. A State Primary Election will be held in all the Election Precincts of Todd County on August 13, 2024 at which the polls will be open from the hours of Seven o’clock AM (unless the Municipality has published notice stating otherwise) to the hour of Eight (8) o’clock PM for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following offices to-wit: Todd County News. Recent News from Todd County. Law Enforcement Scholarship Program for 2022. Featured Photography - 9. Public comment is allowed 15 minutes prior to each Board Meeting. Long Prairie leader (Long Prairie, Minn. A selection of resources is listed below for your convenience. 8% of Minnesotans lived in one of the state's nine Solid Democratic counties, which voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in every election from 2012 to 2020, and 38. In 2019, six out of the nine state and federally-declared disasters in Minnesota involved some sort of flooding. us. Benning Printing & Publishing. Hours: 8:00 a. Click the View the Data option for a community to see the full charts and tables. About 75 percent of flash-flood deaths occur at night. Overall, Minnesota was Solid Democratic, having voted for Barack Obama (D) in 2012, Hillary Clinton (D) in 2016, A Presidential Nomination Primary Election will be held in all the Election Precincts of Todd County on March 5, 2024 at which the polls will be open from the hours of Seven o’clock AM (unless the Municipality has published notice stating otherwise) to the hour of Eight (8) o’clock PM for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following office to-wit: Zebra Mussel Veliger Sampling on Todd County Lakes- Contact Todd SWCD Infested Waters List; Watercraft Inspection Program; Recent News from Aquatic Invasive Species. Reporting - 3. The 16-year-old boy who was killed late Sunday evening after his car struck a tree in Todd County has been identified by authorities on Monday. in the Commissioners Boardroom, Todd County Historic Courthouse (215 1st Avenue South, Long Prairie, Minnesota) the Todd County Board of Commissioners will hold a First Reading to solicit public input on the Todd County Unified Environmental Health Ordinance amendment. If you are new to this area, you will find access to Churches, Schools, Hospitals and Transportation. , on October 4th, 2022, to be held at the Todd County Historic Courthouse, 215 1st Ave. A joint investigation with the Pennyrile Narcotics Task Force and the Todd County Sheriff’s Office led to the seizure of a large quantity of drugs and guns in Todd County Saturday. We want to hear about the latest and greatest story that's happening within our County Information Established by the Minnesota Territorial Legislature in February of 1856. Weekend of violence in Minnesota: 5 dead, 11 injured. Recent News Highway 71 Mile Post 196, EAGLE VALLEY TWP, Todd County Description: The Chevy Silverado was traveling northbound highway 71 when the vehicle left the road at milepost 196. NOTICE OF ABSENTEE VOTING LOCATION FOR NOVEMBER 5, 2024 STATE GENERAL ELECTION 2024 State General Election which includes all eligible Todd County Voters is: ABSENTEE VOTING LOCATION: Todd County Historic Courthouse at the Todd County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office 215 1st Avenue S, Suite (Hewitt, MN)--The Minnesota State Patrol says that two people are injured in a crash on Wednesday evening in Hewitt in Todd County. Call 320-253-0138 to register. ) and Minneapolis VA on even numbered days (2,4,6 etc. Board Packet Information (Todd County, MN)--Authorities have identified the teen who was killed in a crash in Todd County over the weekend. 11343 Almond Drive, Grey Eagle, MN 56336. For questions regarding the grant program or grant application, please contact Rick Utech, Todd County Economic Development Corporation, at 320-732-2128 or by email at rick. This notice is to advise the public that the Todd County Board of Commissioners may be meeting in a closed session at times during the Monday, January 27th, Greater MN: 1-877-600-VOTE (8683) MN Relay Service: 711. Get Directions. There are 10 Judicial Districts within the State of Minnesota Judicial Branch. us Townships: Stowe Prairie, Burleene, Bertha, Germania, Eagle Valley, Iona, and Wykeham Commissioner Board Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, unless specifically noted on calendar. on Highway 71 at 150th Street in Little Sauk Township. Management practices that emphasize education and balanced use of enforcement will be used to demonstrate commitment to enhancing and creating opportunities to utilize natural resources for the purposes Todd County News. Joint Meeting Agenda Packet The boundaries of the . Wednesday in Todd County. Paul MN News; Bloomington MN Proudly covering Todd County rural communities and neighbors: Clarissa, Browerville, Independent News Herald. Recent News from Sheriff. Data from the Minnesota Department of Health shows that from 2020 to 2021, opioid-involved overdose deaths increased by 44%, to an all-time high of 978 deaths in 2021. 2025 COUNTY FEE SCHEDULE. com Todd Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors will be having their November 14, 2024 board meeting at HOOK and Slice located at 2921 MN-29, Alexandria, MN 56308. News. Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub at Minnesota Historical Society; narrow to county or city, search for surname, limit by date. ABSENTEE VOTING LOCATION: Swanville School District Office 602 DeGraff Avenue – PO Box 98 Swanville, MN 56382 DATES/TIMES: December 27, 2024 – February 10, 2025 Normal Business Hours Contact the District Office at 320-547-5100 The Todd County Recount Canvassing Board has, as of Thursday, November 21, 2024, certified the final results of the recount of votes for the Office of County Commissioner District 1 from the November 5, 2024 State General Election. , Suite 300 Long Prairie, MN 56347. to 4:00 p. , on the proposal that the County abate property taxes levied by the County on property with the following parcel Vulnerable adult investigations are completed in conjunction with the Todd County Attorney’s Office, Todd County Sheriff’s Department, and state licensing through Social Services. S. us, or mailing a request to Todd County Sheriff’s Office at 115 3rd St. South, Long Prairie, Minnesota, to solicit public input in [] Please use the contact form below to submit a question, concern or suggestion. Times may vary depending on meeting agenda. -The road will be closed to thru traffic with a detour in place while one culvert is replaced and corrective subgrade work is completed between CSAH 47 and Morrison CSAH 19 at the east county line. The Central MN Council on Aging (CMCOA) Senior Housing & Services Guide is now available! This publication contains current housing opportunities for those 55 years and older in Benton, Cass, Chisago, Crow Wing, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd, Wadena, and Wright counties. The 2018 Spring Road Restrictions will be in effect March 16th, 2018 Todd County Historical Society 333 Central Ave Long Prairie, MN 56347 320-732-4426 toddcountymuseum@gmail. org. Candidate Becker: [] A State General Election will be held in all the Election Precincts of Todd County on November 5, 2024 at which the polls will be open from the hours of Seven o’clock AM (unless the Municipality has published notice stating otherwise) to the hour of Eight (8) o’clock PM for the purpose of electing candidates for the following offices to-wit: News Carousel Content. News | Jobs | Calendar. Todd County strives to ensure that its services are accessible to people with disabilities. Wednesday, with the caller saying they found their friend dead. 2018 Spring Road Restrictions. 1800s-Current Minnesota, Todd County, Minnesota. 2024 Presidential Nomination Primary election which includes all eligible Todd County Voters is: ABSENTEE VOTING LOCATION: Todd County Historic Courthouse at the Todd County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office 215 1st Avenue, Suite 201 Long Prairie, MN 56347 DATES/TIMES Todd County Emergency Management also coordinates and maintains inventories of disaster resources in the county, both public and private, as well as plans for the effective utilization of resources in the county with the assistance of designated county Emergency Management staff, appointed municipal directors, and volunteers. 2023 SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT ANNUAL REPORT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Additional information is available by contacting the Todd County Auditor-Treasurer’s Following the 2020 presidential election, 51. July 25, 2024 View Custom Report. Fentanyl, a highly potent Proudly covering Todd County rural communities and neighbors: Clarissa, Browerville, Independent News Herald. Background: As of October 28, 2024, employee #0486 has exhausted all Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)-protected leave. It also includes a helpful directory of MN Judicial Branch – OneCourtMN – Todd County Court Administration. If you are a nature lover, Todd County offers an abundance of Lakes and browse over 30 Todd County & Long Prairie, Minnesota obituary indexes, including newspaper obituaries, death indexes, funeral home obituaries. The strong rush of wind from a thunderstorm is called a downburst. Additional resources are available through the How Do I menu option, and also by using the search feature. Police are looking for a 22-year-old suspect. The Administration Services Division strives to provide the best customer service to the Todd County employees Todd County Sheriff's Office Media Release Printed on February 7, 2025 Reported Date/Time Address Description 01/22/25 14:57 603 N MAIN ST, HEWITT, MN 56453 Shots Fired On 1/22/2025, the Todd County Sheriff’s Office responded to a disturbance involving a firearm and possible shots fired in the City of Hewitt. Contact Todd County: Directions: 215 1st Ave. We welcome you and hope you enjoy the many resources and services available! Here are just a few of the many resources and services available for the visitors of Todd County. top of page. AIS RFP 2025. We have field technicians available for assistance in designing field windbreaks, shelterbelts and reforestation plans. The non-profit Crime Stoppers of Minnesota has been working with law enforcement to build safer communities in Minnesota since 1979. Latest headline: 1 in 149 people in Todd County, Minnesota are grandparents caring for grandchildren Current Work Scheduled: (Please note that this schedule of work can and will change, but it gives a general idea of timing for work on these projects. NOTICE OF ABSENTEE VOTING LOCATIONS FOR MARCH 11, 2025 TOWNSHIP ELECTIONS. Browerville, MN, USA Female Age: 48 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Commissioners (the “Board”) of Todd County (the “County”), will hold a public hearing of the Board at the Historic Courthouse, 215 1st Ave S, Long Prairie, Minnesota, on January 16, 2024, at approximately 9:00 a. Read Our Accessibility Statement > Browerville Genealogy (in Todd County, MN) USA (1,380,571) > Minnesota (27,591) > Todd County (267) > Browerville (11) The Browerville blade, 2016-01-06 to 2017-08-23 Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub . Minnesota Newspaper Association, est. MN News. Todd County & Long Prairie, MN Obituaries: MN Independent News Herald Obituaries 2003-2010 at Ancestry. Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Todd County, Minnesota, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. As of October 2021, Todd County is one of the many that hasn't reached that goal TODD COUNTY. clerk@birchdaletownship. Notice of Transportation Sales and Use Tax | Todd County, MN On September 9th, 2014 the Todd County Board of Commissioners approved, by County Board Resolution, the establishment of a Todd County Tran Free Nitrate Water Testing Clinic – August 15 & 16, 2024 📬 Mail: Todd County Auditor-Treasurer, 215 1st Ave South – Suite 201, Long Prairie, MN 56347 Please list “Park Board” on the envelope or subject line in email. The Board of Commissioners is the governing body for the county. Todd County’s government structure begins with the County Board of Commissioners. . To make a tax-deductible donation or for more information visit their website www. Minnesota Digital Library University of Minnesota Wilson Library, Room 60 309 19th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-624-4002 800-462-5348 Todd County Minnesota has several Volunteer Organizations including Meals on Wheels, Kinship of Todd-Wadena Counties, and Cancer Relay for Life. org and the Vote Smart project. Todd County Development Corporation 347 Central Ave, PO Box 247 Long Prairie, MN 56347 Recent News from Todd County. ) Contact Todd County Planning and Zoning office at 320-732-4420, to learn about the loan program that is available for Todd County residents. We offer FREE tree plan designs [] Upon petition by the Osakis Lake Association for a proposed Osakis Lake Improvement District, the Todd County Board of Commissioners has set a public hearing scheduled for 6:00 p. 320-248-1841. You can also use the Contact Directory listed under Contact Todd County. Broadband Line Extension Application. com. The fire happened near a lake northeast of Sauk Centre. The Todd County Sheriff's Office issued a release saying it received a 911 call around 4:30 p. Benson, who is chambered in Long Prairie. August 8, 2023 County Special Primary Election Poll Locations and Results (8th) day of August, 2023 in the following Election Precincts of Todd County for the voters who maintain residence in said precincts: The polls will be open from the hours of 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM for the purpose of nominating candidates for We believe that people come to Todd County and live in Todd County in part because of the diversity, beauty and availability of our resources. The 2021 tip volume increased by 27% over 2020 . todd. Local; Minnesota; National; World; The Vault; Agweek; Forum News Network; Official Public Notice. Official Website of Birchdale Township, Minnesota. Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Todd County, Minnesota. ” Recent News from Todd County. We offer FREE tree plan designs [] ISD 486 (Swanville School District) will be conducting a special election (building referendum) on February 11, 2025. Read Our Accessibility Statement > Spring Road Restrictions will be lifted effective April 8, 2024. Records@co. Recent News From Todd County. P. Photo by Jody Wessel. Recent News from MIS. Elections & Administration Address Get Directions Veterans Service Building, Suite 210 20 W 12th Street Saint Paul, MN 55155 The Veterans Service Building has limited public access. Nationally, floods claim nearly 200 lives each year, force 300,000 people from their homes, and result in property damage in excess of $2 billion. 1867. The primary cause is [] View local obituaries in Todd County, Minnesota. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING. News Photography - 5. O. The crash took place along Highway 71 north of Sauk Centre. PUBLIC NOTICE: COUNTY DITCH 41 INFORMATIONAL MEETING. , on October 1 st, 2024, to be held at the Todd County Historic Courthouse, 215 1st Todd County cares about the residents who live here! Whether you have been a resident in the county for a long time or you’re planning on becoming a resident of Todd County, you can find all you need to know about Todd County’s services and resources here. MN State News + MN Car Crash Reports; MN Restaurants Openings and Closing; MN Crime; Minneapolis MN News; St. Email: secretary. Notice of Transportation Sales and Use Tax | Todd County, MN On September 9th, 2014 the Todd County Board of Commissioners approved, by County Board Resolution Explore the Healthiest Communities assessment of Todd County in Minnesota through 92 measures that influence community health. Contact by email Court Administrator: On this page, you will find information on many resources that Todd County has to offer. ifd abosiyah zyvq cybl bsnkemeu iing ouftyp rbiy zmqa dfc uiaxe zlgzdl sws ctia qznk